View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
04-06-2009, 8:48 AM
6 Apr 2009

Good Morning,

I've been making good progress on the antique school desk project and even though it took me several hours to cut and hand fit every piece of wood for the back and seat of the desk, I was able to get those piece cut and ready for the dado's on the backs of them after about 10 hours. Now, I just have to figure out how to cut the dado's in the back of each piece that will allow them to slide and fit nicely over the partial dovetailed iron edges that help to hold the desk together. I'm hoping to have that part all done today.

It's a good bit cooler this morning but at least we didn't get any of the really cold weather and no snow. We do have the cooler crops planted in the garden this year so far and we're trying hoping to get the rest of the garden planted by the end of this month. If we can just stay dry enough for the rest of this month, we will be able to till and get the rest of the garden in.

I've got a couple of other projects in the shop that I need to get done so I can get to working on things I want to work on. I still have a day job and for that I'm very thankful. I just came off of "oncall" this morning and it was a rather long week last week, but it still pays the bills.

Any way, that's it for me for this week. So what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

04-06-2009, 9:10 AM
Now that my customer decided on the size of their end tables, got started on those. Also got my sprayer late last week, so I am playing around with that.

Fred Voorhees
04-06-2009, 9:42 AM
Busy weekend...woodworking-wise. Friday I finished up some radiators that I had built for some freinds. They had painted them to color coordinate with their rooms in their home and then I brought them back to my shop to line the fronts with black screening to help in hiding the radiator inside and also to insulate the lids to help alleviate any heat problems inside the cabinet. I also moved forward with the jewelry box that a gentleman in Scotland contracted me to build. Friday night it was off to our sons to install some cubby cabinets to go along with kitchen cabinets that I had built for their home about a year ago. While out there, it was also up with some small crown moulding and install some doors also. Coming home Saturday afternoon, it was more of the jewelry box and working on some new accessories for the Jet cabinet saw. Sunday morn, it was over to Jim Beckers home to pick up a couple of loads of firewood in the rough for future use and then back home to finish the jewelry box before the guys came over to watch the days NASCAR race from Texas.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-06-2009, 9:58 AM
Saturday I managed to get the carport cleaned off and drove to a hospital and removed a shipping crate using my pickup. The device I installed a couple of weeks ago came crated...and I mean CRATED in some beautiful 7-ply german made plywood that is destined to become a rolling turning tools cart in my shop.

Saturday evening and Sunday I glued up and prepped a center column to be turned for a candle stand for the LOML. Sunday afternoon I made a full size template for the turning on that column.

I'm taking today off to 1) get a temporary crown removed and the permanent one installed and 2) receive delivery of my new Grizzley OSS and disk sander.

Scott Wigginton
04-06-2009, 11:48 AM
Great weather and tall grass got me working on my tractors, of course now it's raining so I'll have to keep waiting to use 'em. :rolleyes:

I was gonna resurface the old picnic table but since we got a new 13' umbrella I decided to replace it with a longer top, long story short I still need to refinish the old picnic top and I now have a new 8' picnic table top that's waiting on some legs (this'll make picnic table #3) :D

Jim Becker
04-06-2009, 11:55 AM
The weekend was as expected, including being too short! LOL Equestrian activities on Saturday as well as a little dividing and re-planting of some ornamental grass. Sunday brought a visit from Fred Voorhees to pickup a couple truck loads of "firewood on the hoof", a visit from another friend, Neil, so I could mill up about 240 linear feet of double bead trim for his home, several hours of quality time on the big orange power tool (Kubota) extending a drainage swail and grooming some ground for grass seed and a belated birthday dinner that was missed with my older daughter's appendectomy gift "on the day" last month. The weather was absolutely beautiful to be outside, too...

Ben Cadotte
04-06-2009, 1:49 PM
Well got the carcass of a new shop bench / cabinet done. Actually going to work on the drawers this afternoon. Had to take the dog to the vet. Tore his ACL or what ever its called on his left leg. So, he has to go in to get it fixed in 2 weeks.

Found a new local wood source and was going to get some hardwood from him this afternoon. But now that money is going to go to the vet.

Oh, well. :rolleyes: At least its not me (had my knees done 3 times already). Going to be hard on him. As he just turned 2 and still full of energy. No more running and playing / rough housing with the other dog for 5-6 months.

Oh, yea. Decided to stop waiting and picked up the Rigid OSS. Was going to order the full sized Griz one. But decided that the Rigid would be good enough. At least for the near future. Have not opened it yet. Decided that I will make one of the drawers in the new cabinet fit it. So, it will have a nice home when not in use.

Brian Kent
04-06-2009, 2:20 PM
The big - worked on my third set of garage cabinets. When I finish we'll have 20' x 8 ' x 2' for all of the garage storage, and the rest of the floor space will be available for woodworking.

The little - Mike Wensloff'z saw screws came so I put my shop-made handle on a little gent's saw.

The in-between - Worked on the outfeed table for the table saw so I can do the rest of the cabinet doors (14 done, 10 to go) more safely.

All this helped keep my energy up for the biggest week of the year in my profession.

Chris Harry
04-06-2009, 2:47 PM
I worked all day yesterday and managed to get a whole 8 lineal feet of garden wall installed.

Slooooow going, using smaller blocks than normal so I need more of them and they are harder to level than larger blocks.

Now its gonna rain all week, so I wont be able to touch the wall until who knows when.

Jim O'Dell
04-06-2009, 3:16 PM
Sat. my neighbor helped me move my HUGE pile of deadfall and burn it on his burn pile he had going. (I guess truth be told, I helped him move the pile. He's the one with the Kubota mini tractor.:D) I mowed that afternoon, then watched the Stars game. Yesterday LOML and I went out. I stopped at Rocklers for a tape measure they had on sale, picked up a light at Lamps Plus for the hall way (too big has to go back) then to Frys to get a new APC battery backup for LOML's computer. I did get to spend about an hour in the shop putting up a small section of insulation that was a weird custom cut in the corner of the room. Other than that, I played with Cagney and Lacy a lot....no not the TV show. The two 12 week old Irish Setter/Irish Red and White pups that came into foster care 2 weeks ago. They are a riot and a blast to watch. Plus, anytime they are outside, one of us has to be there. Last night on a potty run, there were 7 hawks circling at the tree top level. Pretty spooky. I clapped my hands loud one time, and one of the hawks did a little stutter like it was caught off guard by the sound.
Jim, you are right, the weekend was way too short! Jim.

Jerome Hanby
04-06-2009, 3:22 PM
This weekend like the last 6 weeks or so was all carpentry. Been doing repairs in one of my parent's bathrooms to fix water damage. Finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Matt Woessner
04-06-2009, 3:42 PM
Saturday brewed some beer. Finally on Sunday I was able to start my daughters bookshelf. Not much done on it, only about an hour of work.

keith ouellette
04-06-2009, 5:26 PM
worked on my taxes.
Realized I didn't have enough money to pay my taxes.
Cheated on my tax return.
got scared of the IRS.
re did my tax return.
Tried to borrow some money to pay taxes.
re learned to hate taxes.
got a big headache.
drank beer.
Decided I would cheat on my taxes again because I don't have any money.
woke up the next day sober.
Re did taxes one more time the correct way.
wish I stayed drunk.

Not much of a week end.

Narayan Nayar
04-06-2009, 6:00 PM
My first weekend back after an exhausting 18-day, four-country overseas business trip, I slept and spent a lot of time with my 3-year old son. Picked up an order at Woodcraft and started to unpack it and decided I'd much rather hang out with my family. So I closed up shop and hung out with the kid.

Then on Sunday I got sick. Go figure. I'm still out of commission (home sick from work today and likely tomorrow), but all in all, it's great to be home. Hopefully I'll get some shop time in next weekend.

Matt Meiser
04-06-2009, 8:36 PM
Got home late Friday night and had to get up early Saturday morning to get my truck in to get a bedliner sprayed in. Spent the rest of the day at my parents visiting since one of my brothers was in from out of town. Sunday I worked on wiring all day on the wall we tore out last week--work below, crawl up in the attic, work above, back down etc about 10 times. But at least its all done.