View Full Version : Back after an eternity

Brian McInturff
04-05-2009, 11:08 PM
Boy, it seems like an eternity since I've been here. The latter half of last year wasn't good. Went down with my back in July, barely able to make it to work. Ended up having surgery in November. Wasn't sure how I'd fare after that surgery. I have a total of 7 disk fused in my back now. 4 in my neck done in 2005 and now 3 in my lower back done in November. Worst dang pain I've ever experienced but am finally getting around pretty good. Taking it slow and easy. Sold off the bulk of my woodworking hand tools. Figured all the bending that goes into planing and everything just wouldn't be good. Decided to sell the Harley also, that sucks! But I just couldn't bring myself to part with any of my turning tools. I figured some how some way I'd get back to turning. Well a couple weeks ago I finally ventured to the shop to turn a pen. It literally took 4 hrs counting all the breaks I had to take. But it wasn't bad. I felt good.Last weekend I turned a small bud vase out of BAB to see how hollowing would work on my back. I'm not completely finished as I want to try dyeing it. Again, no pain. My neighbor laughs when I say no pain. He ask, is that no pain with no lpain pills? And I tell him, well I'll probably be on a maint. dose for the rest of my life. But if I can turn then I don't mind taking them. It sucks having to give up most things but the good thing is to keep a positive attitude and turning sure helps to do that. 8 months of not turning and wondering if I ever would get to sure makes me appreciate it that much more! Here's a pic of the bud vase. Again, it's not completely finished. Most of the turning is done except for the bottom. I want to experiment with the dyes before I cut it off. If I don't like the dye I can always turn and sand it down.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-05-2009, 11:19 PM
Welcome back Brian! Glad to hear you are recovering.

8 years ago tomorrow I broke my back. I am 8mm shorter than I used to be. I laid on my back for 10 weeks wondering if I'd be able to go back to work. In fact, I built a gazebo and then my first piece of furniture for physical therapy as part of my recovery. The LOML was so impressed that she could have retired but continues working today to pay for the shop she had built for me.

I am able to function without pain meds but there are those days when some might be warranted but I manage.

It's good to see you back. Take it easy. It's a fine line between doing enough physically to challenge and inprove your condition....and overdoing it and worsening your condition. Keep at and good luck!

Bernie Weishapl
04-05-2009, 11:19 PM
Brian good to see ya back and turning. Was wondering what happened. I hope all is well now and sounds like turning may be back on the fire again.

Steve Schlumpf
04-06-2009, 12:02 AM
Welcome back Brian! I hope things continue to improve for you! Great looking vase! Looking forward to seeing what kind of a dye treatment you give it!

Good to have you back!

Jim Kountz
04-06-2009, 12:14 AM
Welcome back, hope you continue to do well with the ol back pain. Glad to see your turning again too. I can sympathize somewhat. I survived a pretty bad car wreck back in my 20's that left me a nice bum knee and a bad disc in my back. Im lucky however in that its only some days that I walk with a limp and cant bend over. Other days I feel I could cartwheel across the yard. Weird.....

Norm Zax
04-06-2009, 2:52 AM
Welcome back to the creek and to the lathe! Seems the Harley sacrifice was a big one but just shows turning gets the upper hand over almost anything. Many of us find it healing indeed.
Take it easy,

steven carter
04-06-2009, 8:21 AM

Welcome back! glad you are doing better, and I hope your recovery continues to progress. Nice looking vase bud, or bud vase, either way:).

At least you got so sell your Harley, mine was totaled when I was t-boned going 50 mph in March 1998.
