View Full Version : Cherry Burl

Ron Erickson
04-05-2009, 7:36 PM
This is my first attempt at a hollow form with a pedestal and finial. The pedestal and finial are walnut and ebonized with India ink. 7" high and 3" wide. Antique oil finish. I would really appreciate your comments, good and bad, so maybe I can do better next time.
Thanks, Ron


Harvey M. Taylor
04-05-2009, 7:49 PM
Try as I may, I cant find anything to criticize about it . Wish mine turned out that well. Max

Don Carter
04-05-2009, 8:12 PM
Looks good to me, Ron. Very good! Keep doing what your doing. Nice piece!

Bernie Weishapl
04-05-2009, 8:13 PM
Ron that is a beauty for your first. Really like the wood, form and finish.

charlie knighton
04-05-2009, 8:23 PM
very nice, i am sure in the future you may improve, but you have reached a point on the curve that the improvements are very small

nice stuff :D

George Guadiane
04-05-2009, 8:32 PM
I really like the spindle work, and the HF is also very nice...
India ink on walnut??? Excellent!

Jeff Nicol
04-05-2009, 8:37 PM
Ron, The only thing that I would change is the shape of the HF. It is a little bottom heavy as the curve is not equal from center to the top and to the bottom. If the curve was contiuous it would look cleaner. The finials are nice and the ink is one of the things I use occasionally too.

Keep at it and it only gets better!


alex carey
04-05-2009, 9:06 PM
It is a great piece but I would make the finial and pedestal thinner. Take a look at these. Yours seem a bit too thick and hefty.


Steve Schlumpf
04-05-2009, 9:15 PM
Ron - very impressive piece!

I find myself agreeing with Jeff about the shape of the hollow form. To me it would work a little better if the hollow form was flipped so that the thicker bottom portion was be placed on top - but that is just me.

You did a really nice job on the pedestal and finial as far as color and detail work. Really like where you positioned the flairs within the pedestal and then mirrored that in the finial. Nice touch. Alex has a point about the finial and pedestal being a little thick - but they are balanced with each other and as such - work!

Very nice turning! Great use of imagination! I look forward to see what you come up with next!

Ron Erickson
04-05-2009, 10:35 PM
Thank you for the comments I do appreciate them all. On to the next one. Ron

Brian McInturff
04-05-2009, 10:46 PM
I like the thicker finial and pedestal. My wife doesn't like the thin stems we see so often on most. Her thought is it makes them "too" delicate.I think there is some truth to that. I also think they go well with the shape of the HF. Since you went with the "donut" style or squatty then it's a perfect fit.
My preference would've been a little flare on the HFprior to the finial but that's just me.

Jarrod McGehee
04-06-2009, 1:16 PM
Well I know that Steve and Jeff are masters at turning and I always try to take their advise but that piece is really nice.

Skip Spaulding
04-07-2009, 11:17 AM
Sure looks great from here!