View Full Version : Lathe Help...

Joe Scarfo
04-05-2009, 7:21 PM
I have a delta midi lathe about 15 mos old...

I've been turning pens since I picked it up and now I'm about to move onto bowls...

Tonight, for the first time, the part that holds the tool rest and the tail stock would not stay in place.

Both levers, the ones used to lock down the part that holds the tool rest and the one that holds the tail stock in place felt "mushy". No matter how hard I pushed down, they sprung back up. Like I said earlier, they felt mushy.

I've check both for saw dust, which was the obvious culprit, and none was there....

Any ideas?

Also, I need to put in the chuck to hold the bowl blank and the part that holds the #2MT is screwed on. Anyone know what size that is so I can go buy a wrench?


Harvey M. Taylor
04-05-2009, 7:56 PM
Sounds like it is time to slide them off and upend them for a good cleaning with lacquer thinner thoroughly and check the lock nut on the bottom for a good fit. clean the ways topside and underneath while you are at it. If it worked before, the only change is dirt, sawdust or just gunk is hampering it from working properly.Check that the locking plate underneath isnt bent or disfigured and has a good purchase on the ways. That should do it. Max.

Don Carter
04-05-2009, 8:10 PM
Have you taken the tailstock and the tailstock off? You have already gotten good info on what to look for.

In you last question, I am not sure what you are referring to. Could you give us some more info? The morse taper is inside your spindle and most chucks will screw onto the spindle.

Joe Scarfo
04-05-2009, 8:16 PM
Thanks for your patience... I'm fairly new at this stuff w/ the lathe.

You're right, the chuck screws to headstock. The part that holds the pen mandrel (which is a #2MT) also screws to the headstock. I just can't remember what its' called.

That part screws to the head stock and has two flat spots on it intended for a wrench to screw it off..

I wish I knew how to post pics, I would post one...

I need to know what size wrench it takes to remove that part...


Joe Scarfo
04-05-2009, 8:24 PM
Ok.. I went to a couple of catalogs. I think the part is called the face plate. It's into the face plate that the #2MT adapter screws into?

I need to get the #2MT adapter out so I can screw on the adjustable chuck that's now holding the bowl blank.


Tom Wilson66
04-05-2009, 10:13 PM
If all you've done is turn pens, it is likely you have used a pen mandrel with a #2 morse taper, which is removed by using the knockout bar which came with the lathe, It is the steel rod with the black ball on the end. Just slide it through the headstock from the handwheel side, and hit the morse taper a few good whacks, it should pop out.

Scott Conners
04-05-2009, 11:03 PM
Joe, in this case a picture is worth a thousand words. If you can show us a picture of what is currently attached to your spindle, we'll be able to define exactly what you need. To post a picture, do this:

When you are in the advanced reply or post a new thread, hit "manage attachments" below the text box. This brings up a window where you can upload photos to the creek. Click on browse and find the picture you want to attach. Once you select it, click on the "upload" button next to the browse buttons. This will send the pics to the creek and attach them to your post. Then just post your reply/thread.

Leo Van Der Loo
04-05-2009, 11:21 PM
Hi Joe, I have the same little lathe, and I sometimes have the locking handles wanting to come back up on me, I just pull the tailstock and banjo off the ways, and clean the ways both the top and bottom and also the hold-downs on them.
That is usually all I have to do, but if that doesn't do it, then you will have to adjust the nuts under the banjo and tailstock, just loosen then 1/4 turn and try it, you might have to do that once more, just don't make them too loose as then you will go past the clamping position.
Hoop this helps, good luck :-)).

Gordon Seto
04-06-2009, 1:11 AM
Replacing the thick Round washers under the ways of the tool rest banjo and tailstock with #JMTN would help tremendously.
Tailstock & banjo creeping is a common problem with mini lathes. The square nut would increase the contact area.

Can't understand your other question. The Delta mini has both 1" X 8 tpi spindle and MT-2 built-in. It sounds like you want to remove the pens mandrel. Does you mandrel has Morse taper or female screw thread?
If it has Morse Taper, I can't understand why you need a MT adapter?
If the mandrel has female threads, all you need is an adjustable crescent wrench and lock down the spindle with the knock out rod.

Philip Duffy
04-06-2009, 4:52 AM
The square nut answers many problems with tailstock movement. I had a square nut made and it is a big improvment. The other suggestion I have is to move the locking handle up, not down and that seems to give the locking nut a better purchase on the rails. Philip

Joe Scarfo
04-13-2009, 1:21 PM
Thanks everyone for the help...

I've ordered the T Square nuts.. I checked out the ways and examined the underside of the lathe. Everything was clean.

The only reason I can come up w/ the sponginess of the lock down handle on the tail stock and the banjo is the thin washer...

I hope the square nuts fix the problem...

Now.. to continue the hunt for the 3520B.

Roger Wilson
04-13-2009, 2:42 PM
... I have the same little lathe, ... then you will have to adjust the nuts under the banjo and tailstock, just loosen then 1/4 turn and try it...

I've had the same banjo problem with the Delta Midi and playing with the adjustment nuts seemed to have resolved it. Those square nuts look like a nice upgrade for the lathe though.

Joe Scarfo
04-14-2009, 5:15 PM
last sunday I pulled the banjo and tail stock to make sure everything was clean. I also checked under the ways to make sure they were clean.

No change.

I tried adjusting the throw on the lever. I tried shortening and lenghtening the throw. Neither worked.

In the end, I ordered a few of the recomended square nuts. I sure hope that helps.
