View Full Version : Malcolm Tibbetts Demo

Keith Burns
04-05-2009, 4:19 PM
Yesterday the Mid-South Woodturners Guild was fortunate to have Malcolm do a demo at our club. Malcolm is a lot taller than I thought he would be (or I'm a lot shorter than I think I am). It was a wonderful presentation and I know I learned a lot and everybody had a great time. Malcolm is a real gentleman and puts on a great show. If you ever have the opportunity to see him, don't miss it. Even if you don't do segmented work it's worth the time. On behalf of the Mid-South Woodturners, THANKS Malcolm !

Benjamin Dahl
04-05-2009, 4:34 PM
very cool and a nice picture.

Steve Schlumpf
04-05-2009, 4:55 PM
Keith - what a great photo! I would think that Malcolm would put on a great demo and knowing what I do of your fellow club members - I can only imagine what kind of reception they gave him! Must have been a riot!

Great photo! Did Malcolm donate the hollow form to the club - or was he presenting it to you? LOL That would have been nice!

Always glad to hear about other clubs and hope that some day our club will be able to host outside demonstrators. Thanks for sharing!

Steve Mawson
04-05-2009, 5:01 PM
That would be special to see Malcom in person!! Great that you club got him for the presentation.

Bernie Weishapl
04-05-2009, 5:34 PM
Thats great Keith and great picture.

Jim Kountz
04-05-2009, 5:56 PM
Thats a demo I would love to see sometime. I really admire his work and know it would be well worth while.
Great picture Keith, looks like a good time!!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-05-2009, 6:03 PM
I will not be green with envy...... I will not be green with envy......

I am green with envy!

Congrats Keith!

Pete Jordan
04-05-2009, 7:08 PM
Congrats Keith!

I would have loved to seen that!

David Walser
04-05-2009, 7:54 PM
Malcolm was one of the demonstrators at the 2nd Desert Woodturning Roundoup (2007). He was well prepared, well organized, and gave a wonderful demonstration. He's definitely someone you should make the time to see -- even if you aren't into segmented turning. He's that good.

Don Carter
04-05-2009, 8:02 PM
I wish I could have gotten up there yesterday. Sounds like a great time!

Jeff Nicol
04-05-2009, 8:41 PM
Boy am I jealous! That must have been one of the highlights of the year for you and your club! I would love to meet the man and see him in action! I have not gotten up the nerve to glue something up and give it a try! But when I do I will check out Malcom's books and videos for inspiration!

Great photo and beautiful vase!


Fred Floyd
04-05-2009, 9:39 PM
We turners in Seattle had the good fortune to have Malcolm for a day last month. He is an excellent presenter. A number of the club members are busy turning out segmented pieces right now.

If you ever have the chance to see him, don't miss it. You might have a look at his videos. They are very well done and answer a lot of the questions.

Brian Effinger
04-05-2009, 10:07 PM
I'm jealous too, Keith. Malcolm is one turner I'd really like to meet.