View Full Version : Looking for that special screw...

David Eisan
04-05-2009, 1:09 PM
How many times has this happened to you?

You go to do something, in this case secure the groove edge of hardwood flooring to prepare for a glue in spline to change nailing direction, go to the box of 2-1/4" #7 drywall trim screws only to discover there are only 4 in the box. I am not sure if I have another box *somewhere*.

Rather than take 20-30 minutes to look for them (no really) I hop in the car to go around the corner to Home Hardware to buy some more. I can only find four single packs of lonely regular drywall screws, no trim screws.

Okay, I am not a big fan of the big orange place, but they are only 5 minutes away, so I head there. I find where they should be on the shelf, but they are out. The helpful sales associate confirms this. Hmmm.

Canadian Tire is across the street, there is no way they will have them, but since I am there, I check anyway.

Not only did Canadian tire have lots of the 2-1/4" #7 drywall trim screws but they also had 3" and 1-5/8" drywall trim screws. Whoda thunk?

David, who wasted a bunch of time looking for a odd screw today.

Richard Wolf
04-05-2009, 3:55 PM
Why is it always the last place you look?:)


Jeff Willard
04-05-2009, 3:57 PM
I get all of my drywall screws from a tire dealer. I just can't ever remember if I'm s'pose to get shellac at the pharmacy, or the car wash.:rolleyes:

Brian Effinger
04-05-2009, 9:52 PM
Did you find the other box when you got home? The best way to find something that is lost, is to go buy another brand new one. They will just magically appear :D

Dave Lehnert
04-05-2009, 11:27 PM
Know of a guy who ordered an part for a car he was restoring. The company selling the item was in California. He lives in Ohio. After three weeks he got his package in the mail. The part was manufactured by a place behind my house. Like only 300 ft from my back door. He could have just walked over and got it that day, Paid less and no shipping cost. LOL!!!

Steve Rozmiarek
04-06-2009, 12:03 AM
Know of a guy who ordered an part for a car he was restoring. The company selling the item was in California. He lives in Ohio. After three weeks he got his package in the mail. The part was manufactured by a place behind my house. Like only 300 ft from my back door. He could have just walked over and got it that day, Paid less and no shipping cost. LOL!!!

Thats funny!

Todd Pretty
04-06-2009, 12:05 AM
I get all of my drywall screws from a tire dealer. I just can't ever remember if I'm s'pose to get shellac at the pharmacy, or the car wash.:rolleyes:

Canadian Tire is comparable to Lowes or something like that... they started as an auto parts store way back, now they sell everything. They were one of the first nation wide stores doing that here in Canada. They typically have a fairly large home improvement section.

Jim Kountz
04-06-2009, 12:08 AM
Ok Im not saying anything about the title of this post..........

Richard Wagner
04-06-2009, 8:54 AM
Know of a guy who ordered an part for a car he was restoring. The company selling the item was in California. He lives in Ohio. After three weeks he got his package in the mail. The part was manufactured by a place behind my house. Like only 300 ft from my back door. He could have just walked over and got it that day, Paid less and no shipping cost. LOL!!!

You gotta get out and around more.