View Full Version : Failed Attempt

Mike Stephens
04-04-2009, 4:33 PM
Is it OK to cry.

I was finishing the bottom of this bowl with a jamb chuck and I was just about finished. I guess I made the tenon to small and it broke.

114879 114880 114881 114882

I'm going to drink beer now.


Steve Schlumpf
04-04-2009, 4:43 PM
Mike - don't you just hate when that happens!!!? Sure looks like you took your time with it - nice even edges and a good form! The main thing to remember is that your next turning will be even better!

Looking forward to seeing that next one!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-04-2009, 5:25 PM
Mike...Nice turning! Those winged bowls can be a booger!

The only thing worse.....buffing a finished turning and having the buffer whip it out of your hands and ricochet it off every wall and the floor and ceiling in your shop!

Keep at it and enjoy the beer!

Steve Busey
04-04-2009, 5:39 PM
Ouch! Always hate it when that happens.

However, looks like an opportunity to make a two winged bowl... now where did I put that bandsaw?

Mike Stephens
04-04-2009, 6:30 PM
Thanks Creekers. I have 3 in me now and none left in the frig. I feel a little better and like Steve said I know the next will be even better.

It's bittersweet,

Jake Helmboldt
04-04-2009, 7:04 PM
Richard Raffan says if you don't have failures like that it's because you aren't testing the limits of your skills (or something to that effect).

alex carey
04-04-2009, 7:54 PM
Sorry to hear what happened. It's always depressing when so much work goes down the drain, just keep working for the next project.

Ryan Baker
04-04-2009, 7:57 PM
That's right. If you're not breaking pieces, you aren't trying hard enough!

Turn the wings off that one and nobody will ever know! The next one will be even better.

Bruce Shiverdecker
04-04-2009, 8:08 PM
All is not lost. Looks like time for a little design change.

You could leave the three points and sand the broken area down to within a half inch or what is left in the damaged area. The bumps on the bottom look like they can be sanded away.

Just one possibility to save a very nice piece.


Bernie Weishapl
04-04-2009, 8:26 PM
Bummer. You might have a design change that would work. Like Jake said. Raffan said at a demo if you don't screw up once in a while you aren't pushing your artist side much.

Mike Stephens
04-04-2009, 8:41 PM
Thanks fellow Creekers.

I'm A pushing and shoving.

The worst part about it is that I only have so much time available to turn and all that I want to is turn. I want to try again now but the kids are sleeping.

Leo Van Der Loo
04-04-2009, 10:53 PM
Hi Mike, just a suggestion here, I would try to put a new design to the edge, that could look very good also.
Grabbed your picture and freemoused :rolleyes: the one set of handle and then used another way to get the oval on it, just an idea, there's other things you could do of course, even taking all of the rim off, but that would be a shame really.

Ryan Baker
04-05-2009, 10:59 AM
Every failure is just an opportunity for a design change!

Lionel Mercier
04-05-2009, 12:21 PM
If You remove the broken wing...and the opposite.
You'll get a Two winged bowl, only after a sanding job
Good luck for the next.

Bill Bulloch
04-05-2009, 4:54 PM
That's the story of my life. I just start over -- and over --- and over ...... etc.,

Mike Stephens
04-05-2009, 5:09 PM
That's the story of my life. I just start over -- and over --- and over ...... etc.,

Bill I hope that's not the case. I can't afford enough beer to get through all the heartache.:D

As for all the Creekers that suggested a design change. I appreciate the feed back. The design change is firewood.

This is just a miner setback. I'm positive I will get the next 1 done right.

Thanks All,