View Full Version : First Demo tonight

Brian Brown
04-03-2009, 2:12 AM
I did my first pen turning demo tonight for our wood turning club. Nobody fell asleep, and I didn't see anybody walk out. :) I guess that is good. I'm not sure how I became known as a pen turner. I used a cherry blank. First time I ever turned something from cherry. Nice wood to turn, and made a good looking pen. Since I was busy with the demo, SWMBO acted as the photographer, so we'll probably have pics tomorrow.

Our poor struggling club seems to be doing better lately. Our current president is working hard and doing a good job. I'm glad to see something happening in this area. We seem to be attracting turners of all levels now. Now if we can just get them to start wearing face shields! :eek:

Toney Robertson
04-03-2009, 6:51 AM
I can't imagine doing a demo. I feel I have nothing to impart to anyone but a novice.

They just asked you to do it?

Does every member get their turn?

I am glad it went well for you.


Steve Schlumpf
04-03-2009, 9:17 AM
Brian - congrats on doing your first demo! It can be quite the experience - depending on club members! I have only given one demo so far (roughing out a bowl) and found it to be a lot of fun!

Toney - while you may feel you have nothing to offer - remember that every turner has their own way of doing things, and as such, something you take for granted could turn the light on for another turner! Besides, doing a demo (and explaining each step in the process) really puts you in touch with what you do and why. It can be a great learning experience all the way around!

Bernie Weishapl
04-03-2009, 9:32 AM
Congrats Brian on your first demo. Hopefully one of many. They are a lot of fun to do.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-03-2009, 9:47 AM
Congrats on your first Demo Brian! Pen turner huh? IN a Will Geer voice "Pilgrim...you've come far!"

bob edwards
04-03-2009, 10:13 AM
Brian, I assure you that having broken the ice you will enjoy many more demonstrations. It is another one of the addictions associated with turning. Not only is the effort enjoyable but you will be surprised at how much you will learn in the process. You may lead the demo but it opens up an exchange of ideas so that everyone involved benefits. Everyone in your club should be given the opportunity. As for not being able to demo, or not having anything to offer, let me offer this. There are members in every club that feel this way but I assure you they all have something to offer. Consider you have a tool you like and have come reasonably proficient with. A textured or chattering tool. Set up a short demo to explain how you use the tool than allow the members of the club to enjoy a little hands on with your guidance. This not only serves to demo the tool but allows your members to experience the tool first hand and decide weather or not they would be interested in investing in one. Sort of providing everyone with a test drive with the advantage of your guidance. This can be done with a tool or a new favorite grind. Every time you learn something new you have an opportunity to pass it on. Take the opportunity!!! And congratulations on your new adventure.

Jeff Nicol
04-04-2009, 7:30 AM
Brian, Demos can be fun and a great sharing experience for you and the audience! I am giving a demo at our next meeting in May on a lidded box so that will be fun! So congrats on surviving your first demo and to all that come after it!

Have a great turning day!
