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View Full Version : There is hope for the future of woodworking

Ron Brese
04-02-2009, 9:58 AM
This past weekend I was exhibiting my wares at the NWA show in Saratoga Springs, New York. I gentleman and his Daughter approach our booth. She looked to be about 11 or 12 years old. As you can probably imagine I was a bit anxious when this kid walked right up and grabbed one of my infill planes, but it was immediately apparent that this was not the first time she had handled a plane.

She proceeded to pickup every plane on my table and take nice full width shavings. I was absolutely amazed and pleased. There is hope for the future of hand tool woodworking. I really wish I had gotten a picture of this occurrence.

Funny t-shirt observed at this show. In bold letters at the top of the shirt it proudly displayed what seem to be a very green statement for our environment:

"Earth First"

In small letters contained in parenthesis under that statement:

(we'll log the other planets later)

Have a good day,

Ron Brese

Martin Shupe
04-02-2009, 10:49 AM


"Earth First" is a radical environmental group that has injured many foresters and loggers over the years by spiking trees and damaging forest service property.

I believe the t-shirt is a slam at this group, and a good one, I might add.

When I was in forestry school, an old high school buddy of mine, bought me a subscription to their newspaper. Every time I got it, my blood pressure spiked. The newspaper consisted of articles describing exactly how to damage private and federal property without being caught.

Needless to say, I did not support their views.

Graham Wilson
04-02-2009, 11:31 AM
"Earth First"

In small letters contained in parenthesis under that statement:

(we'll log the other planets later)

That is a very popular signature over at the arboritstSite.com (http://www.arboristsite.com/forumdisplay.php?f=9) forums.

Tristan Raymond
04-02-2009, 1:57 PM
This started as such a nice thread. An Earth without trees would be a miserable wasteland and unable to support much life. The radical loggers are no better than radicals on the other side.

Brian Kent
04-02-2009, 2:19 PM
How wonderful to meet a woodworker who will have about 8 decades of experience in her lifetime. She'll be a terrific learner, builder, tool buyer, tool maker, and seller before she's done!

Ron Brese
04-02-2009, 3:02 PM
I surely don't support the idea of unwarranted harvesting of trees and do support the sustainable efforts that are going on. I thought this was just a bit funny.

I would certainly rather we put the emphasis on the little girl that was so comfortable with a plane in her hand.

Ron Brese

dan grant
04-02-2009, 3:57 PM
tells alot about her father

David Gendron
04-02-2009, 7:24 PM
I hoppe my daughter will be like that!! She's 17 months and like to hang out in the shop with me!

Tristan Raymond
04-02-2009, 7:37 PM
I have a 5 year old daughter who also likes to hang out in the shop. Mostly, though, she likes to spin around on the stool.

Justin Cavender
04-02-2009, 8:16 PM
I have a 4 year old daughter who loves the shop she wants to sand everything wich is about all I will let her do at that age. But she has aspirations like me. I cant wait until we can build bigger things than birdhouses together.

Ron Coleman
04-02-2009, 8:24 PM
Kids have a tremendous capacity to learn and it's a shame that most school districts have eliminated their shop classes.

To help turn the tide our local woodturning club offers a young turners program several times a year. The kids learn some basic turning skills and end the day turning a top from a rough square blank. Everyone has fun and the kids are fast learners.

Have a look. http://www.donleman.com/cows/2009_youth_program/3-23/index.htm



Casey Gooding
04-02-2009, 10:15 PM
I was perusing the web the other day when my three year old stated "Look Daddy, a plane!!" He wasn't talking about the flying type, either.
I was very pleased.