View Full Version : My son got sucked into the vortex...

Mark Norman
04-01-2009, 12:31 AM
He don't know it yet but he will soon be as far gone as me...LOL

I couldn't believe it but my 12 y.o. son James got curious of what I was doin in the shop and came out for a vist...Floored I was.
He was askin about the lathe and general questions of what I was building and befor ya know it, I put a piece of old 4 X 4 fence post in the lathe and he was turnin!!!
He don't like his picture took...so I snuck up on him...:D
Makin wood chips fly LOL LOL

And I get's ta play with 'lectricity;). I got the VFD for the build I'm working on and I pondered the instruction booklet for an hour plus.:eek::eek:


And some fabrication too..

Ken Fitzgerald
04-01-2009, 12:42 AM
Uh Dad....You are among fellow turners! You can admit it....we won't tell....

You pushed him into the Vortex!:eek::rolleyes::D

Congrats Mark! That's cool you and your son have found a common hobby!

alex carey
04-01-2009, 12:42 AM
Nicely done, get them started young. BTW, nice shop, thats looks mighty spacey.

Mark Norman
04-01-2009, 12:57 AM
Thanks Ken, I just let his couriosity do the work. And his talent will take over;)

Its an awesome shop alex. only 20' x 24' but it works for me uhhh.... make that US...

Bernie Weishapl
04-01-2009, 1:05 AM
Mark that is great that he took a interest in turning. What a special way to spend time together.

Mark Norman
04-01-2009, 1:19 AM
It is bringing us closer...Thats a good thing....

He has seen the pieces I bring in the house and he's starting to think.."Hey I could do that?"

Jeff Nicol
04-01-2009, 8:12 AM
Mark, All my kids are grown and out of the house and spread all over the place. My youngest turns 20 in July and the oldest is 25, 3 girls and a boy. None of them realy shared my passion for woodworking but they love the finished products! Have fun and enjoy your time together it slips away fast!


Steve Schlumpf
04-01-2009, 9:21 AM
Congrats Mark! Always great to see the kids get interested in what we do! Hope to see some of his work real soon!

Mark Norman
04-01-2009, 9:27 AM
Thanks guys,
I hope his intrest hangs around. I will have to get some small blanks for us to work on together so he can have the feeling of accomplishment that comes from finishing a piece.

Thanks again, Its good to share with those that know what its like...

Off ta work:)

RL Johnson
04-01-2009, 6:55 PM
I think it great that he is interested in turning but you might suggest he tie that hair back before he turns. Notice! I did tell him he should get a hair cut:eek:, my boys would not listen to me about hair :D and I am sure he is the same way but we do want it to be a safe experience. Best of luck to him in his turning.

Mark Norman
04-02-2009, 1:29 AM
Yeah, when it comes to the hair I choose my battles and thats just not one of em. I had long hair as a teen and my mom soon learned it was futile to suggest I cut it...
I'll make it a requirement for turning to tie it back under the guise of seein what he's doing. he is wearing goggles even if you can barely see em..lol lol

alex carey
04-02-2009, 3:29 AM
I too grew my hair for a long long time. From my freshman year in highschool to my senior year. I finally gave in to my mom for my senior picture. When I cut it, it was over 16". Better to let these things run their course. Now I shave my head with a number 5 and my beard with a number 3 once a week.

Don Eddard
04-02-2009, 6:10 AM
I'll make it a requirement for turning to tie it back under the guise of seein what he's doing. he is wearing goggles even if you can barely see em..lol lol
Also, having it tied back reduces the chance of getting it caught in something like a lathe or drill press. I have long hair but I keep it tied back in the shop