View Full Version : New Turner Pricing

Paul Rains
03-30-2009, 12:28 PM
Not sold any bowls before, but I did donate one to charitable acution the other night and brought $60. How do you price bowls starting out, no doubt my bowls are not quite quality or worksmanship of some of the ones I see here, or see at craft venues. Where do you start? I have friendly aquaintenances from work etc. that wish to have one.

See picture for latest turnings, large cherry bowl is 12 inches across for scale.

Give me price ranges, and your experiance starting out. Also I have farily affluent clientele that I have been in contact with thus far.


03-30-2009, 12:44 PM
Those are way too cheap, if it's $15.00 a bowl ,Now $60.oo for the big one and $45.oo for the others.
Take what you believe all the material including the wood would cost to replace. Then multiply by 3 or more for a fair price.
That is what I do.
Very good looking turnings by the way, keep it up and good luck to you.


Paul Rains
03-30-2009, 12:53 PM
I had another 7 inch walnut bowl, some gave $60 for at auction for charity. I have never sold any before that, so I don't know if that was good price or just charity.

Thanks for compliment though:)

Toney Robertson
03-30-2009, 12:58 PM
Obviously your local market defines in part what a bowl will bring but a rule of thumb I have seen is $8.00 and inch wholesale and $10.00 an inch retail.

Bernie in Kansas says that the market there is weak and will not sustain those kind of prices. Around here with the economy it is tough too.

Go to some art fairs in your area and check it out. Of course you have to evaluate where your pieces are compared to other turners.


Bernie Weishapl
03-30-2009, 5:59 PM
Paul I get about $45 here for a 8 X 3 cherry salad bowl. For a 12 X 4 big bowl I get about $100 to $150. The economy around here won't support $250 to say $500 bowls. They would be collecting dust forever. Go to some local craft shows and see what is going on with those as far as pricing. Get a idea of how things are going.

Bill Bolen
03-30-2009, 6:38 PM
From the quality of the work pictured I would follow Bernies advice for a decent starting point. Very nice work! If they sell well you can always start easing the price up...Bill..

Rex Guinn
03-30-2009, 7:50 PM
Paul I sold a small walnut urn about 5" x 3" with a top for 125.00 in Nicholasville.
Have three more larger ones. For urns 125 for small 175 for medium and 200 for large, these are for animals. Hope this helps.