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View Full Version : Antique School Desk - Anybody.???

Dennis Peacock
03-30-2009, 11:38 AM
Does anyone here have ANY information about these old school desks?

Buffalo Hardware Company, Size #5
New Paragon
Pat. 1881

I've got the metal redone and painted, I'm just trying to figure out the wood parts as the parts I have an in MANY pieces. Anybody ever remake/restore on of these that can shed some light on this project for me??

Ed Labadie
03-30-2009, 12:09 PM
That is an oldie, pretty neat!

IIRC, any old desks (nowhere near that old) my mother (teacher) brought home were hard maple.


Robert Eiffert
03-30-2009, 12:22 PM
this might help:


Actually, I started at the Library of Congress' American Memory site. Lots of vintage photography there.

Rick Hubbard
03-30-2009, 12:35 PM
Hi Dennis-

Up until I was in third grade these were the exact desks our school used. They came in more than one size and were mounted on long rails (that is the purpose of the flanges on the legs). Actually, what you have is really only half of a desk- there needs to be another identical unit directly behind this one to actually have a functional desk (as I’m sure you have already figured out).

One notable feature of these desks is that the front desk in each row had no writing surface- just the seat. These were usually kept in the folded-up position but when folded down as a seat it provided a very handy place for teachers to temporarily re-locate class-room miscreants. I still remember a guy named Eddie sitting in the front seat almost the entire first grade. Imagine trying to explain that to your folks at a parent-teacher conference!

From what I can see the unit you have there is pretty much complete although the bottom for the “book cubby” under the top seems to be missing. Those were ordinarily thin (quarter inch?). Also, the tops always had an inkwell and a little tray across the front that could hold two pencils end-to-end.

In those days I wasn’t too aware of different wood species, but I do recall that the desks were stained a dark color and, if I had to bet, the wood was oak.


Dennis Peacock
03-30-2009, 1:57 PM
Thanks for the info. I'm looking for specifics for the boards. The owner's mother wants the "wood part" to be made from Oak. I just figured out that the dovetail "slots" cut in the backs of the boards are actually 5/8" by 7º dovetail slots.
I'd love to find the original plans or cut list for these desks so I can stop the time eating phase of "guessing the wood angle". :D

I really enjoy doing this kind of work, but it sure eats a LOT of time. :eek:

Brent Gamble
03-30-2009, 2:05 PM
I have one of these that was removed from a one room school near my hometown. It is in original condition, except for the coat of poly I put on it before I knew better. I'll try to take some pictures this evening and if I can figure out how to post them I will. If I can get some good detail pictures, that may answer some of your questions.

John Shuk
03-30-2009, 8:26 PM
My father in law redid a few desks of the same vintage. Don't know if it's the same brand but similar. The wood on his is pretty much original and they seem to be maple.

By the by did the sandblaster work? I had never taken it out of it's box so I never found out.

Von Bickley
03-30-2009, 9:58 PM

I can't help you with that style of desk. The desk that I have seen are not that old and I think the wood on the newer desk was mostly maple.

If I was refinishing the desk that you are working on I would probably go with QSWO or heart pine.

Dennis Peacock
03-30-2009, 10:52 PM
By the by did the sandblaster work? I had never taken it out of it's box so I never found out.

Yes'sir..!!!! Worked perfectly and even the air seals were still good in the gun. Thank You, thank you, thank you.!!!! That saved me DAYS of hand stripping all that ornate metal.!!!! :D

I'm going back with Oak on the desk. I was able to glue enough of the old pieces to get an idea of what I need to do in order to remake all the wood pieces. Some is imagination while the rest is simply hand-fitting every single piece of wood. My brain is tried from trying to figure out all those different angles.!!!

Joe Meazle
03-31-2009, 10:22 AM
I don't know if it is the same make but I have one sitting on my front stoop if you want to take a look at it give me a hollar.

John Bush
04-01-2009, 12:03 AM
Hi Dennis,
Did the original top of that desk have the name "Ava Masengale" carved on it? Could have been the desk I used in the 6th grade, back when you could carry a pocket knife and they could still give "swats" for misbehaving. Ask me how I know!!

Scott C. Williams
04-01-2009, 2:02 AM
I have one that I am selling at an auction Thursday. The wood is maple that has been refinished and the size is for lower middle school students. The Grandkids have out grown it.