View Full Version : What can you do with a cheap ($150) Harbor freight lathe?

Mark Norman
03-30-2009, 1:37 AM
Get hooked that's what!

I'm just playing with shapes. I gut a good bowl gouge and it makes all the difference heck the gouge cost me half of what the machine did...
Here is the machine as modified with a 2X cedar base and stand:


The new tools:


Like I said,, just playin with contours and tool technique, I'm thinking I'll make a chess set and game board. pics are not the best but I tried.. Its live oak from a tree we dropped and burned a few weeks ago..




I broke the first piece intentionally to see how strong it was... and it was strong:eek:


Dewey Torres
03-30-2009, 6:24 AM
Happy turning...welcome to the vortex. You haven't even began to rtealize how far you have slipped. Better tools always make the difference so keep that in mind as you progress.

Steve Schlumpf
03-30-2009, 9:27 AM
Mark - looks like you have a real nice setup! The Henry Taylor 1/2" bowl gouge was my first and I loved it! Good tool and could take a real nice edge!

Nice looking spindle work! Keep at it - it's keeps getting better!

Bernie Weishapl
03-30-2009, 9:54 AM
Looks like a good setup to me. Spindle looks good. It only gets better and easier from here. Welcome to the Vortex.

Jim Finn
03-30-2009, 6:36 PM
I have that same lathe. I bought it to make this type of fireplace bellows.

curtis rosche
03-30-2009, 8:09 PM
whats the pillow block for?

Mark Norman
03-30-2009, 8:47 PM
Thanks for all the words of encouragment. I do appreciate it:D

whats the pillow block for?

I have plans in the works for making my own bowl lathe and I am collecting the components for it. So far I have the motor, pillow blocks, faceplate and one of the the pulleys (motor side 4 step).
The VFD is ordered and should be here Thursday as well is the remaining sheave and bushing (headstock side). When I get the other sheave and bushing I will have the spindle machined to fit the other components. The design is in the final R & D stages.

Jarrod McGehee
03-31-2009, 1:42 PM
not bad for the price and I'm sure you can start making some cool pieces. those pieces you made would probably work great as candle holders for the long skinny ones that you can buy. make a few sets of them, maybe some different woods. that would look cool. and you could get a drill chuck and drill a hole deep enough for the candle to grip well.

Mark Norman
03-31-2009, 9:19 PM
I have that same lathe. I bought it to make this type of fireplace bellows.

Jim, I wanted more room under the ways for the clamp levers so I fabbed up the 2X cedar and got an extra 2" clearance under there. (look close at the pic at top).

Jarrod, It is as cheap as they come but was enough to suck me into the vortex:eek: