View Full Version : hinge knurl on gameboard

Dave Cohen
03-28-2009, 9:53 PM
Any trick to setting how much the hinge knurl protrudes on a game board so that the board closes without binding, yet when its open it lays flat?

Dave Cohen
03-29-2009, 11:45 AM

Steve Rozmiarek
03-29-2009, 1:42 PM
Dave, don't you just center the hinge pin hingepin centerline on the corners of the board? That would put your pivot point a the corners of the board, BUT are you sure that you want everything flush? I'd think that you would want just a little clearance, in which case, set the hinge pin on center, then adjust out by the clearance that you want.

When I build boxes or just about anything with a hinge, I do a quick mockup to make sure that nothing goofy is going to happen when the hinges are put to work. Takes two pieces of scrap and a couple minutes to do.

David DeCristoforo
03-29-2009, 1:48 PM
"...do a quick mockup...two pieces of scrap and a couple minutes..."

That's the best advice you are going to get.....