View Full Version : Creeker meeting

Bill O'Conner
03-28-2009, 4:00 PM
Meet up with a felow creeker (David Drickhamer) today @ the woodcraft in West Allis subburb of Milwaukee. Had a wonderful time talked alot about differants stuff we both had turned or are thinking about turning.


Steve Schlumpf
03-28-2009, 4:22 PM
Always good to hear about Creekers getting together! Hopefully folks will remember to take along cameras when they have meetings! Sounds like you both had fun!

David Drickhamer
03-28-2009, 5:09 PM
Yup, it really happened and here's the proof. Bill and I had a nice talk this afternoon over lunch while talking about all our projects and future plans for spending all our money. :)

Allen Schmid
03-28-2009, 5:22 PM
Looks official..photo and all! Good for you guys. I was just spending money today at our local WC store(in Madison) and could have passed a few fellow creekers, too. Hope you guys are ready for the snow...it's here again!

Dewey Torres
03-28-2009, 5:31 PM
Looks like you even got a new avatar out of the deal as well!

Bernie Weishapl
03-28-2009, 5:38 PM
Sounds like a great time was had. Good to see Creekers getting together.

Bill O'Conner
03-28-2009, 6:20 PM
Yes Dewey it is a new one we're talking about the fact that I didn't have one and that I didn't think the camera on my phone would work. So he took one with his phone and e-mailed it too me when he got home.

Allen made it home just before it started to rain here or sleet not sure I'm in the house and it doesn't look good outside.


Dewey Torres
03-28-2009, 9:02 PM
I have a very cheap camera that is so old it is outdated now and it takes great pics as seen here (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/album.php?u=32240). Kodak easyshare CD33. Only like 4 mega pixels or something like that but I guess what I am getting at is you need a digi with an SD card and they are very cheap now:

Just a cursory scan on amazon...

http://www.amazon.com/s/qid=1238291999/ref=sr_st?keywords=digital+camera&rs=281052&page=1&rh=n%3A502394%2Cn%3A281052%2Cp_n_feature_two_brows e-bin%3A405450011%2Ck%3Adigital+camera&bbn=281052&sort=pmrank

Not to say that these are the best in the world but they are plenty good enough to take quality pics.

Bill O'Conner
03-29-2009, 3:09 AM
Yeah but it would have to come out of my turning budget, but hopefully I'll be returning to my regular job in the next few weeks if it warms up
