View Full Version : Cut-List Plus vs. Sheet Layout v8

Jerry Heiser
07-23-2004, 2:07 PM
I posted a similar thread on the Design Forum and thought I might give it a try here, seeing as how it's tool related and a greater number of folks may view it. Here goes.
I've been wanting to get a sheet layout optimizer and job cost estimator for some time now. My wife said to make a decision and she would get it for me for my birthday (belated). I think I better hurry, though, before she forgets and spends the money on herself! :)

I have it narrowed down (based on research and other forum responses) to the CutList-Plus and Sheet Layout v8. At the present I'm leaning towards the SL... BUT ... I looked all over their website and can't find anyplace where it says it can give you a project cost estimate based on board-feet (as does the Cut-List program). Does anyone use the Sheet Layout optimizing program that can answer that question? Also, ANY input into either program would be greatly appreciated. But hurry, like the sands in the hourglass slipping away, so is my b-day $$. Only kidding. My wife has been great about supporting my woodworking endeavors. As long as I support hers - photography and all of the equipment that goes along with it. Oh, well. Thanks in advance.
Jerry in NC

Michael Ballent
07-23-2004, 2:22 PM
I have used Cut-List Plus and found it to be very easy to use. Just put in the dimensions of the parts you need and it lays them out either by optimizing yield or ease of cut. It also takes the kerf of the blade into account while laying it out...

I have not used the other package so I cannot comment on it's use :)

John Gregory
07-23-2004, 2:30 PM
Cutlist plus works great. It will lay out both sheetgoods and dimensional lumber. I can easily change the wood species to compare costs of the project with different wood species. You and enter parts, like hinges, pulls etc. and then cost your project. I highly recommend it.

Brian Riley
07-23-2004, 3:49 PM
Hey Jerry....

I can't say anything about the Sheet Layout program since I have never used it however I do use CutList Plus all the time. Generally I will do the project design in MS Visio to get the sizes I need. Once that is done I can just plug in the pieces I want into CLP, generate the layouts and go to work. I like how you can change the raw materials sizes based on what you might have in stock or know if you need to make a trip to the saw mill for more lumber. The other thing that comes in handy is the job estimator which covers all hardware and lumber.

I'll have to take a look at Sheet Layout.


Bob Reda
07-23-2004, 6:16 PM
You can download a trial version of SL8 and use it for free. If you don't have more than I believe 32 entries you can continue to use it for free. I use it for sheet layout and I use George Zielgers estimate for figuring out bids.

Byron Trantham
07-24-2004, 9:54 AM
I use CLP. Can't say enough good about it. :D Very flexible.

Greg Griswold
07-24-2004, 10:56 AM
I have used Cut-List Plus for a year now and find it easy to use and it does everything that I need.
