View Full Version : warping wood on purpose

curtis rosche
03-27-2009, 1:53 PM
so obviously wood warps when it drys. but can it be made more dramatic? with out cracking of course. for the "different" bowl that i was asked to make i am going to turn it real thin and then let it warp. but can the wood be soaked in water to make it warp more? also, will a poly finish harden/strengthen it when done?

Andrew Derhammer
03-27-2009, 2:36 PM
Wrapping it in a wet soaked towel, and nuking in the microwave until it's almost unbearable to hold, this plasticizes the fibers of the wood and allows you to clamp it around a form (quickly) to give it shape. Mike Hosaluk demonstrated this, he said it only works with green wood.

Jason Clark2
03-27-2009, 2:40 PM
Chris Ramsey shapes his cowboy hats in a jig while they dry so they become oval and so the brim is turned up on both sides and slightly down in the front and back:



Leo Van Der Loo
03-27-2009, 3:27 PM
Curtis they steam wood to bend it, if you can keep the wood wet and heat it without drying it you can bend it quite a lot, you will have to hold it till it is cooled off to keep it in that shape.
The lignin that keeps the wood-fibers together will become soft at boiling temps, but not before, HTH