View Full Version : Shop tour Pic's part 1

Sparky Paessler
07-22-2004, 9:32 PM
After all the nice new shops that have been posted lately I thought I would post pictures of mine to encourage all you other basement dwellers to post yours. Picture 1 shows my turning area. I have cherry, black locust, pecan, walnut, and peach turning blanks waiting to be turned into shavings. You can also kind of see my hollowing rig I am working on making on the lathe.
Over to the right in picture 2 is my clamp rack and workbench. The bandsaw that I rebuilt is waiting for a cabinet to be built for it. Wood storage space in the crawl space and my drill press.
Continuing to the right picture 3 is the hallway to the stairs and some storage cabinets.
Picture 4 shows my old craftsman joiner and the delta scrollsaw.
Picture 5 you first nitice my new cyclone I am working on. 15" planer, an old 1hp dust collector and the scrollsaw again.

See part 2 for the rest. :)

Sparky Paessler
07-22-2004, 9:42 PM
Where were we? oh Picture 6 is of my SCMS, 3hp shaper, and my newest tool an air conditioner! The sign is left over from my previous job. :p
Pic 7 shows my tablesaw and behind it you can see the doorway that goes to the outside door.
Here it is! After making a sharp right out of the shop Pic 8 is the outside entrance to my shop! That door is 49" tall and 32" wide. I am working on digging it out so that I will have a 5' by 6'8" door.

Thanks for looking.

Sparky Paessler

Dick Parr
07-22-2004, 9:53 PM
Nice tour Sparky. Guess now I am going to have to go out take some pics of my shop after this project is done. :rolleyes:

Jim Ketron
07-22-2004, 10:01 PM
great tour of your shop Sparky!
Looks like you have some nice tools!!:eek:
I havent worked on my shop in two days (took a little break!)
When I get it done you'll have to come visit.
Jim Ketron

Sparky Paessler
07-22-2004, 10:09 PM
Thanks Dick and Jim

Thought I would show some pictures of the outside as the house is my biggest woodworking project.

Larry Guthrie
07-22-2004, 11:00 PM
Pretty house and a nice shop! Thanks for posting the pictures!

Ken Fitzgerald
07-22-2004, 11:31 PM
Nice shop and beautiful house!

Gary Whitt
07-23-2004, 8:22 AM
Thanks for the pics. Nice shop.

Those empty cat litter tubs are great for storage!!!!

Tyler Howell
07-23-2004, 8:36 AM
Thanks for the tour Sparky,

More ideas for my shop remuttle project.;)

Bob Hovde
07-23-2004, 9:29 AM
A lot of toyls in a small area! Great organization! I can see that you need the cyclone. You have the capability to create mounds of chips. :)

Great bowl blanks, also. What is your process for them? Do you make blanks out of all of your logs, or just some of the "special" species?

Bob (New turner - convert from the flat world.)

Sparky Paessler
07-23-2004, 10:08 AM
Hi Bob

I am fairly new to turning myself and so far I have cut up all of my logs into blanks. It seemed that they took up less space that way and were ready to turn when I got ready. I haven't been turning much lately as I have been busy on other projects and wanted to complete my hollowing rig but I need to get busy and rough turn about 20 hollow vessels for Christmas presents. I am going to have to get that cyclone up and running soon as I am sick of all the dust! It is going to take some digging to find a place for it. Guess I better call that Friend that has a bobcat.


Jason Tuinstra
07-23-2004, 4:40 PM
Sparky, thanks for the tour. I'm glad you added pictures of the house. I was wondering what it looked like. Great shop, and very nice house.

Paul Downes
07-23-2004, 4:58 PM
You made me feel better after looking at your shop, Sparky. Some shops look like they could double as a surgical room, being so clean and all. :D I will have to post some pictures of my before and after shop set-up I am currently in the beginning stages of. You know those little puzzles that require one to move the little squares around to make a picture, well, that's my shop in it's current state. It takes me a while pondering where to move this wood pile to get access to that section of wall.....so I can move this machine....so I can.....you get the picture. :confused:
I'm not sure who will win in the end, but I'm trying to figure out an efficient scheme to have everything with a place, and everything in it's place. If I succeed, I could probably moonlight as a logistic expert!

Dan Moening
07-23-2004, 5:05 PM
Thanks for the tour, Sparky!

Could you disclose some details about the cyclone project?
I'm curious to see what others have done...

I'm just beginning to learn to turn so I'll keep on eye on your posts to see whats new...


Sparky Paessler
07-23-2004, 8:45 PM
Thanks for the nice comments! I know what you mean Paul. I have to have everything on wheels so I can move it around to use it. This is probably the 10 layout in 14 years. Of course I keep adding machines. It's at the point now where if I get something new one of the old ones will have to go. I did just today cut out the brick wall next to the short door in prepration for a friend to bring his bobcat over to dig out the new enterance. I am also going to open up the doorway next to the scrollsaw to a 8' wide opening. The wall behind the turning blanks has the crawl space under one of the sunrooms behind it so I am going to cut a 7' wide opening into it and dig it out also. This is where I will install the cyclone and plan to move my lathe in there. I also want to put something on the ceiling and wall off the heating system. LOTS of work to do and I'm not as young and fast as Jim is. Will post pics of the progress!
Dan. The cyclone is one of Clarke Echols kits with the welded blower housing.
A Sheldon’s Engineering impeller in the housing powered by a 5hp Leeson's motor. My problem right now is that the unit is about 20" too tall for my shop. (I knew this when I bought it). I'm going to dig about 2' deeper where the cyclone is when I add on to the shop in the crawl space. I will also have to make the hole wide enought to slide the can out from under the cyclone. As far as duct work I have fount a place local that I can get 6" sewer and drain pipe and will use it. Will also post pictures of progress on this.



Wes Bischel
07-23-2004, 9:19 PM

Thanks for posting the pictures - now that's a real shop! :D The kind that feels like home and keeps the kids guessing where the monsters are hiding!

The house is beautiful! Great pictures. Built in the '20's?

Wes - who now needs to post some pics of another basement shop.

Paul Downes
07-23-2004, 9:41 PM
Hey Sparky, I know how you feel. I've been thinking about the space I have available for my shop and thinking about adding a two story addition 12' X 32' to my existing 18' X 32' pole barn shop. The existing space has a 12' ceiling which is enough room for swinging boards around the machines. The addition would have 8' ceilings and I plan on putting bench work type stuff in that area. The second floor would perhaps be a lathe/ storage room. The barn is actually 32' x 48' but I have to reserve the front area for vehicals and my metal working stuff. And oh yah, 9 kids means a lot of bikes and other kids toys. If only I had enough money........maybe next year. The problem is old man winter. I'm waiting to see if my Father-in-law is going to sell me 1 of his 2 outdoor wood stoves. They just bought a waste oil burner and don't need 2 stoves to heat the houses and barns on the homestead anymore. I was going to weld up my own wood stove to heat the house and the wood shop, but if he will sell one of the boilers I will save myself a lot of time. The build-it-myself cost would amount to $2000 installed, vs $8000-$9000 to purchase a name brand boiler. I'm also thinking about building a kiln on the side of the barn and running a coil from the wood boiler into it for a heat source. Getting wood has never been my problem, but paying someone to dry it adds up in a hurry. SO much to do.... and not enough time or money :)

Joe Mioux
07-23-2004, 10:28 PM
Hi Sparky

Even though it looks like you have some pretty tight spaces to manuever in, you have a well thought out and laid out workshop.

Your house pics are really nice. Neat and well maintained. Since, I see some flowers in the backyard, you must like to garden some, or is that Mrs Sparky's hobby.

any way thanks for sharing your workshop pics
