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View Full Version : An attempt to show a group of 3 planes

george wilson
03-26-2009, 12:58 PM
Thanks to Brian Kent,I hope to have been shown how to reduce the size of my files so they will fit here.

Now you can see the relative sizes of the smooth plane,rabbett plane,and salesman's sample.

George Beck
03-26-2009, 1:02 PM
Beautiful planes! Wonderful job, George.


Brian Kent
03-26-2009, 5:12 PM
Alright George. You got the photo resized. The reflection of the wood grain in the brass is stunning. Nice photography!

Chris Padilla
03-26-2009, 5:43 PM
FYI, you do not need to resize your pics posted on SMC. Software has been installed that will resize for you. This is the lazy man's route.

If you're fussy about the pics you post, then by all means go ahead and reduce them yourself so you have full control over how the pictures look.

Uploading oversized pictures will take more time, too.

george wilson
03-26-2009, 6:01 PM
Some of my pictures would not post,because they were way to big a file,so I had to fix them with Brian's help.

Chris Padilla
03-26-2009, 6:04 PM
I guess it is possible for one's pictures to be too large even for the auto-resizer to deal with. I may have to experiment to find the limit or ask. How large were the pics, George? Do you recall?

Danny Thompson
03-26-2009, 6:07 PM
Are we talking about the difference between image size and file size? Isn't there a 108 meg-ish limit on .jpg file size?

Beautiful planes. Are these George Wilson infills or some other make?

george wilson
03-26-2009, 6:21 PM
They are planes I made from scratch,Danny. Chris,the pictures were about 5 Mega Bytes(is that the correct term?) I had my new 10 million pixel camera set on the finest setting. Re sizing them got them down to about twice the limit,so the auto-resizer could deal with them. If you could make the limit higher,it would help,and thank you.

Jim Koepke
03-27-2009, 10:50 AM
A program called Graphic Converter helps me to crop and resize images. It is a $40 share ware program that is very useful for working with all kinds of image formats. It can be set to save images at 99 MB for use with SMC.
