View Full Version : This mornings rough outs

Jeff Nicol
03-26-2009, 8:15 AM
I am trying to clean out the back room and get it ready to start the build on my CNC router table so I have been turning anything that looks good and burnint the rest, or cutting a bunch of pen blanks out of them! So here is this mornings output from 6-7:30. Thanks and have a woody day!

I am helping my Dad move the rest of his household goods today to his new apartment, no more turning today until later this afternoon.

Thanks for checking out the curls!


Kirk Miller
03-26-2009, 8:36 AM
Jeff It looks like you were busy this morning. I am jealous. I in NJ on buisness and have been having withdrawls from my lathe. One more week and I will be reunited....:)

Steve Schlumpf
03-26-2009, 9:39 AM
Wow - that's a lot of shavings for so early in the morning! Hope the move goes smoothly!

Allen Schmid
03-26-2009, 1:19 PM
Looks good Jeff,
I have the same thing going on...spring cleaning...have moved alot of wood (balnks and planks) and now hope to make some time to get busy and rough turn or finish turn them.

Jeff Nicol
03-26-2009, 5:34 PM
Well the move went well and the weather held too! We had a couple little snow flakes but that was it. Between the turning and the moving I am moving pretty slow. I am getting some arthritis in my hands and it is acting up today after all the work. Took a hot shower and now off the the lazy boy for sme much deserved rest!

Thanks guys and have a great night!


Bernie Weishapl
03-26-2009, 10:14 PM
Jeff looking good. They look good. Can't wait to see them finished.

Nathan Hawkes
03-27-2009, 12:29 AM
Nice morning. I had a productive one myself, but no turning; just re-arranging the shop and working on a steady-rest, and planing boards...

Its nice to see another turner with a lot of tools in a tiny shop...err making very efficient storage use in a shop.

Jarrod McGehee
03-27-2009, 12:50 AM
Jeff, you have SO much wood in that first picture I'm quite jealous. at least I've got some of that black cherry now :D thanks a lot.

Jeff Nicol
03-27-2009, 7:13 AM
I did not say what the wood types were on the three bowls in the front. From left to right they are: KNOTTY WHITE PINE, SPALTED BOX ELDER, AND AMERICAN ELM. There is a vessel in the background that is white pine with 2 soakings of danish oil on it. I will post more on it as I get it done. It is very thin and the light shines through the knots and pitch filles areas. It is like Norfolk Island pine but with bigger more random knots.!

Jarrod, You only get to see a very small portion of the wood that I have on hand, not bragging but I could fill a couple of semi trailers full!! I am starting to sell some on my website and on e-bay so maybe I can buy more tools!

Back to the shop! Thanks all again
