View Full Version : Woohoo! SawStop just called... PCS shipping Tomorrow!

Frank Trinkle
03-24-2009, 3:08 PM
Just got off the phone with SawStop who was letting me know they will be shipping my new Professional Cabinet Saw with the 52" option Tomorrow! Yayyyy!

Should have it by Wednesday next week.... and I'll document its arrival and setup in pics here!

Not in the flyer... total width of the PCS with 52" rails is 85". About 7" narrower than the original cabinet saw with 52' rails.


Also talked with Incra this AM... and they said their LS fence system should work on the new saw without having to use the previous mods for SawStop's other cabinet saw.... though cannot use the router table on the left side due to depth and new motor position.

Bill White
03-24-2009, 3:15 PM
Well, I guess we know where you'll be and what you'll be doin' for the next few days. If we see any slobber marks on the table, you're in trouble.
Bill ;)

Vic Damone
03-25-2009, 2:50 AM
Dang Frank, how many new toys does that make. Have a great time!

Don Bullock
03-25-2009, 6:35 PM
Congratulations Frank.

Danny Hamsley
03-26-2009, 5:04 PM
Excellent! Let me know how that walnut likes it!

George Morris
03-26-2009, 6:26 PM
Hi Frank thanks for your previous post,You motivated me to also contact SawStop and mine is also on the way! Thanks again! George

Paul Ryan
03-26-2009, 7:27 PM
Well Felas mine shipped out last friday and was suposed to be here tommarow before noon. I checked the tracking number and it got delayed due to old man winter, he just wont leave me alone. Now I wont have mine until mon. I am so dissapointed, I was looking forward to making sawdust all weekend. What is worse is this will be the 2nd weekend with out a table saw. I delivered my old one last sat. This sucks.

Frank Trinkle
03-26-2009, 7:33 PM
That'll teach you to live in a place that civilized people won't get near!!:D

At this point, it may be a contest as to who gets their's first!

Good Luck!

Rob Price
03-26-2009, 9:03 PM
I win!

Sawstop asked that I don't discuss specifics in a "public forum" (their reasoning is to not upset their distributors, and they aren't ready to field questions/orders for the new saw until it's publicly released) but I will at least say it meets all expectations and exceeds some- a couple of nice surprises. Setup is very user friendly. Seems very solid and well made, I really haven't cut wood yet, but getting it set up was fun. There are a couple of minor quirks to work out (it is a field test) but I am excited.

Jacob Griffith
03-26-2009, 9:06 PM
That's a nice looking machine...thanks for the picture.

Eric Roberge
03-26-2009, 9:06 PM
Rob, That is sweet looking!

I'm happy for you man! Enjoy:)

Bruce Page
03-26-2009, 9:08 PM
Congrats Rob, that is sweet but I think you're going to need a longer cord. :D

Rob Price
03-26-2009, 9:13 PM
tell me about it. it was just enough to plug in and cut a hot dog with... just kidding. If I move the saw at all the plug comes out.

I need to work on wiring, and moving my DC switches (you can see the 12/3 yellow wires all over my bench in the background).

But the green light is on!

Frank Trinkle
03-26-2009, 9:16 PM
Lucky bas....!!!:mad:

I'd sure like to know what "issues" you had. It would make my novice assembly easier!

FedEx Freight says Tuesday for me. Ordered a WWII for it today from Amazon ($80.00).

As soon as I have full specs (measured by me) I will be putting an Incra TS-LS fence on it.


Jim O'Dell
03-26-2009, 9:16 PM
Man, you must have spent all day with the wax and a power buffer to get that extension table that shiney!! :D
I agree with the others, very nice looking saw! Enjoy. Jim.

Rob Price
03-26-2009, 9:37 PM
I haven't waxed it (yet). The first thing I did (before any assembly) was topcote all the cast iron. My last saw, Ridigid TS, had rust on it from my sweaty paws before I finished getting it assembled.

The extension table comes with a thin plastic covering, pull that away and it's a nice gloss finish. Wax this weekend, I'll get out the power buffer.

I need to get my freud combo blade sharpened, so I'll stick with the stock blade for now. I saw the WWII on sale for ~$80 at amazon, the freud fusion is $99. Either one would sing on this saw I'm sure.

Paul Ryan
03-26-2009, 9:52 PM
I am even more pissed now. Dam............... Mine was suposed to be here tommarow. If I am lucky which I am not. Fedex said I could possibly pick it up on sat. They dont deliver that day, but the warehouse is open for drop offs, and pickups. Extra $300 if you had to have a sat. delivery. I can drive the 60 miles round trip. But I don't think I will get that lucky. I was hoping to be setting up tommarow night, and cutting wood on sat. Son Of A!!!!!!

Ed Calkins
03-26-2009, 10:44 PM
Wow, nice saw, is that the 52" rip table/fence--- it looks huge (maybe the camera lens distorts the proportions) -- I have decided to go for the 36" model as I seldom work with sheet goods --- once again, beautiful saw, Ed

Andy Sowers
03-26-2009, 11:00 PM
Well add me to the list of "SMC field testers."

I ordered mine yesterday, and it was supposed to get shipped out today! And tonight I just sold my previous TS on CL :D:D

Rob, did SS tell you directly not to discuss the particulars of the new PCS? Cause they didn't mention anything to me yet, and I didnt see anything in the email or pdf that they sent out. I guess they could tell me when they tell me the tracking #.

Kinda makes sense to keep the field testing under wraps, just hasnt come up yet. But at the same time, perpetuating interest in the saw should help them sell more, no?

Frank Trinkle
03-27-2009, 6:58 AM
They didn't say anything to me either.. and when they sent the tracking confirmation, there was nothing about keeping quiet either.

I would think that they'd WANT the buzz created by discussion, because it will create anticipation of the release of the final product in the summer.

Also, my guess is that a couple of machines have probably been shipped to the mags for early reviews that will meet early publishing deadlines so that there are articles in the issues around the time of the official product release.

Paul Ryan
03-27-2009, 7:09 AM
Good, news, good news,

My saw is in the state. That means if at all possible I will pick it up if they cant get it out to me today.

SS never told me not to discuss anything either. I think at 1st they wanted to keep it under wraps. But as time went on they didn't get as many out as they hoped so they quite telling us not to say anything. I would thiink there are only a very few left now. When I ordered mine a couple of weeks ago, there were under 20 called for. But since then I have read post after post of people buying them so i think they should be down to just a few now.

Frank if all goes as planned I should have my saw before you.

Frank Trinkle
03-27-2009, 7:41 AM
Grrrr.... I can't win the lottery or scratch off tickets either!

Actually, I hope you get it this weekend and put it together. That way you can let me know any problems or shortcuts to assembly that will help me when I get mine on Tuesday or Wednesday!

The picture of the extension wing is SCARY! Hope I have enough room in my garage! Sawstop told me that the total width of the 52" with rails and extension is 85". This will be worse for me, because I plan to add the Incra TS-LS fence system which will require a total width of 92". Thank god I ordered the saw with the wheels option!

Have to wait for the saw to see, but I'm also considering replacing the extension wing with a router table (Incra) and adding their joinery package to the fence system. I'd store the SS Extension and fence/rails just in case I'd go back to them in the future.

Keep us up to date on your delivery/pickup and your assembly.:)

Rob Price
03-27-2009, 8:11 AM
You know, I think it's my own fault. I just asked in passing when ordering my saw- "Can we talk about this thing?" She told me she'd get back to me and then they emailed me.

If they aren't voluntarily telling you guys this, then I don't think it's that hush hush.

Besides, this is just a conversation between friends, right?

Paul Ryan
03-27-2009, 8:25 AM
Thats what I think.

If they don't say anything then why not talk about it. The other thing is, it is not like they gave us these saws. We still paid plenty for them. Why shouldn't we be able to talk about it. Its not like it needs to be secret. We are testing the saws to let them know if there are any major problems. But do you really expect any.

They are planning on releasing the full production saw in a about 3 months. That gives them very little time to make any changes. There is no time for reengineering. I really cant think of anything that they would have time to change with out pushing the whole saw off for much longer. Knock on wood though, you never know what could happen.

My saw made it to roseville this morning but wont be ready to be picked up until about 5pm today. That doesn't work for me. The saw will be in owatonna tommarow morning at 6 am. I plan on picking it up tommarow morning, now I just have to find some one to help me unload it.

So Rob,

Did you buy a package of hot dogs, to make sure it works?

CPeter James
03-27-2009, 8:26 AM
What is the difference between this saw and the original Saw Stop? I guess I missed something along the way.


Frank Trinkle
03-27-2009, 8:41 AM
What is the difference between this saw and the original Saw Stop? I guess I missed something along the way.


This is the third SawStop saw the company has designed. It is a less expensive cabinet saw that is going to be direct competition against Delta's new Unisaw and the Powermatic 2000.

There are a number of changes on the saw compared to their "Industrial Cabinet Saw" that allows for the lower price. Some of these include a slightly smaller table; no gas-assist for the blade elevation system; less cast-iron in the trunnions. It is a lighter TS than the Industrial and this saw will INCLUDE a number of things that are options on its big brother, including the T-Fence system. The motor has been switched from the right to the left side of the cabinet. It will ONLY be available in 3HP, 220V, 1-phase... no options for different motors.

The cost will end up being between $800 - $1200 less than the Industrial Cabinet. It will be branded the SawStop Professional Cabinet Saw.

Those of us talking about it got in on a Field Test deal that included a significant discount and free shipping direct from SawStop. When the final production units are available, they will only be able to be purchased through their dealer network. We got lucky!

Rob Price
03-27-2009, 8:45 AM
It looks like there may be a gas assist on the vertical mechanism, I'll try to get a picture of it.

I think this saw will later be released with a 1.75HP motor, a "hybrid" if you will- I think I read that somewhere...

EDIT: This will also include their new overhead dust collection system when it's released this summer.

I went with the 52" rails (you can tell by the two legs at the end, the 36" has one leg).

The official line is this saw is "lighter duty" than big brother industrial saw- but that saw consistently gets marks as being heavy heavy duty. Ie. cab shop running all day long, every day. This one certainly doesn't look or feel "light" duty. The shipping weight was 563 lbs, I don't know if that includes the rails which ship separately. It's a different 3HP motor than the one on the industrial saw too. The table is 27" deep instead of 30". 1 year warranty instead of 5.

The innards look solid to me, the only comparison I have is my Ridgid contractor's saw, though.

Paul Ryan
03-27-2009, 8:48 AM

Rob said there is a gas spring on the motor assembly to help rasing an lowering. It may be a smaller one but it is on the PCS saw. From what I understand the trunions are a little smaller, the table is 27" compared to 30" on the ICS. Only a 3 hp motor, just a little lighter duty. I still have yet to see it, hopefully tommarow, but I understand it to be constructed very similar to the new uni.

Andy Sowers
03-27-2009, 12:42 PM
Just got the call from Fedex, my PCS should arrive on Monday. Not too bad considering it was shipped on Thursday!:D

Joel Earl
03-27-2009, 12:47 PM
Helluva nice looking saw there Rob.
Indeed it looks like you been waxing it for 24 hours now:D

Rob Price
03-27-2009, 6:44 PM
I'll get a picture up hopefully tomorrow (working all night) but the parts list says "gas spring" and the pneumatic cylinder appearing part is labeled as "high pressure." I can't imagine what else it is.

I looked around, looks like the PM is 30" deep. I can't find any specs on the unisaw, Delta's website is all hype, no specifics, even the manual doesn't say how big the table is.

Whether this thing compares to those saws or not, I feel like I have a high end saw, with good safety features, at a more resonable price than the industrial saw. I probably would have saved up for it anyways, but this gets me in quicker.

I'd be interested in how this measures up to the steel city saw you just sold Paul.

EDIT: the little annoyance was that this saw has a new insert place (very cool- tool less clamp/removal/changing) and also a new piece on the dust shroud at the front (I guess for better collection). But that sticks up into the throat plate about 1/4". The "stock" plate has this routed out, but the other blank inserts off the shelf (ie for the industrial saw) don't have this and therefore need modification. SS is aware and new inserts are on the way.

I guess I'm officially discussing this now, but it looks like most people on this thread are soon to be testers anyways.

As far as assembly goes, no tricks, very straight forward. Everything is blister packed, color coded, and numbered. I'd say idiot proof, but I've met too many idots. I had to wrestle a bit to get the wings straight and level, I actually used a parallel clamp to bring the back right corner up to the rail about 1/64, but once I secured it with screws it stays put. Would have been easier with an extra set of hands- I could pull it flat, but not hold it flat, and screw in the bolt at the same time.

Frank Trinkle
03-27-2009, 6:50 PM

Would you mind posting some pictures of the back side of the saw at rail level? Also detail at the extension table attachment point.

Thanks. I''m talking to Incra, and your original picture helped but they have questions about the outfeed side and whether the TS-LS fence system would need mods to fit.

I'm also thinking about storing the extension table and dropping in Incra's routing table with the joinery system.



P.S. - Uh Oh... got an email from FedEx that says there's "winter" problems around Utah... might have a delay of a day or two on my saw! Grrrrrr!

Rob Price
03-27-2009, 6:53 PM
I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow. The extension table basically bolts onto the rails like the cast iron table.

Look at the T-series fence manual for the contractor saw, I think it's pretty similar.

Paul Ryan
03-27-2009, 7:04 PM
P.S. - Uh Oh... got an email from FedEx that says there's "winter" problems around Utah... might have a delay of a day or two on my saw! Grrrrrr!


That is where my saw got delayed too. Thats old man winter for ya. I have it all set up 9 am I will be picking my saw up. I couldn't wait until monday evening.


I am sure i will have one hell of a time putting the saw together. I am one of those idiots!
What kind of measuring tape for the fence did the SS come with, vinal or steel. I would like to put a steel one on it if it is vinal. I have wixey didgital fence that I bought for next to nothing off craiglist a couple of weeks back just for this saw.
I will let you know how it compares to the SC saw I had. It has a lot to measure up. The SC was really nice, the fence was awesome, and I absoulutly loved the granite. I almost didn't buy the SS because I didn't want to give up the granite. But saftey is saftey. I knew if I didn't buy the SS I wouldn't buy any other saw. But I wouldn't forgive my self if something happend with my old saw so I pulled the trigger. If I had it my way, I would have ordered a SS with a granite top I would have paid almost double for that.

Rob Price
03-27-2009, 10:07 PM
you got me. It's white. It came installed on the saw. Probably vinyl but I can't tell for sure.

Paul Ryan
03-28-2009, 11:57 AM
It's here.......

Frank Trinkle
03-28-2009, 12:01 PM
Lucky Lucky Lucky!

FedEx says mine is on time for delivery on the 1st. Can't wait!

Dan T Jones
03-28-2009, 12:44 PM
I PM'd Frank about the fence/rails.

I do believe they are the same as on the contractors version. There is one at our local Woodcraft. The fence and rails are not as stout as the Biesmier.

Paul Ryan
03-28-2009, 10:23 PM
I have about 6 hours into assembly and set up. Most of my time was spent figuring out what it going on with the blade and miter slot spacing.

I have to adjust my table it is off by about .014. If it would have been .005 or less I would have left it but it is too far off. I spent a good hour checking this. The front or the rear of the table has to get moved. Kind of stinks I was hoping to not have to bother with this.

It does have a gas shock for assist when rasing a lowering the blade. I never looked at the ICS fence. But this one is very heavy and seems to hold tight. It slides as smoothly as my SC fence but it doesn't seem to be quite as stout, but I dont expect it to every be an issue it is still a good fence. I dont really like the face of the fence as well as the SC. The SC had plastic faces that were really nice and strong. The face of this fence is basically melamine. It should perform fine, but wont last as long as the SC fence faces. The saw doesn't have fence storage either. Which I think is a real nice feature of other saws. I liked to be able to set the fence, on the SC saw, on the brackets to get it out of the way and not have to worry about it. I may have to make something to hold the fence when it is not in use on this saw.

It runs very smoothly. My SC saw rummbled on start up and shut down. The jet mobile base that was under my SC didn't help anything either because of the design. The mobile base on this saw is really nice. It slides in to the cabinet under neath and once assemble is basically part of the saw. The saw rises easily and is easy to set down on the floor. I all wish it had 4 swivel casters instead of 2 fixed and 2 swivel. I know this design is basically standard. But since this sits on the floor when you get where you want it, it would be nice to push it around with 4 swivels.

Setup is really easy just takes time. I didn't have to shim either of the wings. I just started at the front and moved to the back, tighten bolts as I get the wing were I wanted it.

My saw has the 36" fence. It came with extension legs but I didn't install them. Where I store my saw the legs would get in the way of what is stored underneath the extension of the saw. It is plenty stable with out the legs on. If I decide I need them in the future I will install them then.

The cord is too short to. Only 6' I will have to make a longer one of those as well. Not that big of a deal, but an 8-10 foot cord would be better. The fit and finish is 2nd to none. The money SS spends to make they saws look nice and assemble is really a plus. So far since I have only made about 3 cuts on it, it seems to be a very strong and robust saw. I will review more latter once I have more hours on it.

Rob Price
03-28-2009, 10:47 PM
Looks sharp. Congrats Paul.

I put a 12' cord on it today, much better.

I think I may need to adjust the table too. Using the sliding square it's as on as I can tell, but I don't have a dial indicator. When ripping on the right, the back teeth touch just enough to hear. I may try to get this dead on if I can find a dial indicator.

I had a heck of a time getting the riving knife aligned. I tried to lower it all the way down (I guess my Freud blades are a little smaller). Aligning it means lowering the blade so you can get to the bolts, removing the RK, loosening the bolts, putting the RK back on, raising the blade, align it, lower it again, try to remove the RK without moving the mount, and then trying to bolt it back in without moving it. If it moves, start over...

But then I couldn't get the saw to start at all, for any blade. At first I thought it was the red coating on the Freud- so I sanded that off (hope I didn't ruin it), still didn't work. Tried my rip blade, still no go. Tried the SS blade, still no go. Okay, so it must not be the blade (btw: adjusting the brake for each blade as I went). Turns out, the riving knife holder was sitting on the brake, and I guess the "brain" didn't like that. I raised it back up and now all blades work, with the brake at the same spot. I can change from SS to Freud combo to Freud rip and the brake doesn't need adjusting- YES!

The knife still is off a bit, but it's a pain. I'll start fresh tomorrow.

I did get to cut wood today. I'm working on some boxes, they are trapezoidal, 84 degrees up top and 96 at the bottom. Plus, there's a 15 degree slope from front to back. Lots of fun with the saw, bevel settings, ripping, crosscutting, etc. So far I am very happy, once I get the table straight and the RK straight it should be smooth sailing from here.

Andy Sowers
03-28-2009, 11:03 PM
Paul, from you pictures, it looks like the saw was shipped on its side. True?

Any tips you want to share regarding lifting the saw into a standing position?

Fedex has scheduled my delivery for MONDAY... cant wait...


Frank Trinkle
03-29-2009, 8:18 AM
Man! Nice looking saw! FedEx shows my saw made it past the winter wonderland and was passing Arkansas yesterday and still On Time! Wednesday delivery.

Guys... Question from Incra regarding the power switch and brake indicator... Is the switch assembly attached to the motor housing, or to the rails?? Hard to tell from your pictures...

Rob Price
03-29-2009, 8:20 AM
It attaches to the inside of the left extension wing. You bolt it through the wing into the main table. Not attached to the rail.

How I lifted the saw- First I rolled it over onto it's back on a furniture dolly, this left the bottom 6 inches exposed and slightly elevated off the floor. Then I installed the mobile base. Then I tilted it forward and upright onto the base (HEAVY). The instructions say to build it first, add the rails, and then lean it over on the rails sideways to install the base. I didn't want to risk bending the rails, although in retrospect they are plenty heavy and probably would do just fine.

Once you get it set and down off the wheels, it's set. It's not going anywhere. There aren't any leveling feet or anything- and my basement floor isn't close to flat, so I had to shim it just a bit. easy enough with the mobile base.

Myk Rian
03-29-2009, 8:34 AM
Isn't it nice to take your hand and run it over the table top. So smooth.

Paul Ryan
03-29-2009, 9:15 AM

Don't worry. It comes on it's side but the instructions tell you exactly what to do. You take the styrofoam out of the top piece of the box lay it next to the saw. Roll the saw on to the styrofoam, then stand it up. It is a slick procedure. I did the same thing rob did. I attached my mobile base before standing the saw up, seems easier than putting it toegether and then laying it down on the rails. I think the mobile base direction tell you to tilt the saw on the rails to cover the senarior when some one buy a base at a latter date and then trys to install it. SS tells you what to do exactly for the whole assembly with real good directions. I am suprised they don't tell you when to go pee or get something to drink. It is really nice.

The cast looks better. But I like the fell of the granite better.

Paul Ryan
03-29-2009, 12:55 PM
I got a couple of PM asking where the dust collection port is. But I don't know how to send pictures with PM's so I will post them here.

Once I get my boy to take a nap I am out to adjust the table and install a longer cord. The procedure for adjusting the table in the manuel seems pretty easy. I hate to say that before I do it though.

Ed Calkins
03-29-2009, 1:07 PM
[quote=Rob Pierce;1094263]How I lifted the saw- First I rolled it over onto it's back on a furniture dolly, this left the bottom 6 inches exposed and slightly elevated off the floor. Then I installed the mobile base. Then I tilted it forward and upright onto the base (HEAVY).

I also will have a PCS delivered soon, I asked about lifting the saw with a hoist considering I probably will be installing it alone and not being sure of shipping orientation, mobile base installation etc. This is what I received from Dylan at SawStop for your information:

"I just spoke with one of our senior engineers and he said it’s fine to lift the saw with a hoist. The best way to lift is via the bolt holes in the cast iron table top. This should be done prior to attaching the fence, rails and cast-iron wings. What you definitely don’t want to do is try lifting the saw from anywhere on the cabinet itself, as the sheet metal used in it is strictly cosmetic, not structural. Please let me know if you need any additional information."


Kelly C. Hanna
03-29-2009, 1:10 PM
Just got off the phone with SawStop who was letting me know they will be shipping my new Professional Cabinet Saw with the 52" option Tomorrow! Yayyyy!

Should have it by Wednesday next week.... and I'll document its arrival and setup in pics here!

Not in the flyer... total width of the PCS with 52" rails is 85". About 7" narrower than the original cabinet saw with 52' rails.


Also talked with Incra this AM... and they said their LS fence system should work on the new saw without having to use the previous mods for SawStop's other cabinet saw.... though cannot use the router table on the left side due to depth and new motor position.

Congratulations Frank...can't wait to see the pics. Nice saw I'll bet and the extra safety factor can't be a bad thing.

Daniel Platt
03-29-2009, 7:42 PM
Once I get my boy to take a nap I am out to adjust the table and install a longer cord. The procedure for adjusting the table in the manuel seems pretty easy. I hate to say that before I do it though.

Hi'ya, my PCS came in on Thursday and I spent some time this weekend getting it setup. The instructions are quite clear making top adjustment straightfoward. It's just getting to that left, rear bolt that was a pain.
So far I'm very impressed with the saw. I'll be putting it work building cabinets next week.

Paul Ryan
03-29-2009, 8:06 PM

There is a reason you don't do measurments when you are tired. Last night when I checked my blade/miter slot spacing and came up with .014, I was dead tired. Today when I went out to adjust the table I checked it and it was dead on, I checked it about 5 times. My .0015 feeler guage would not slip in, and the saw cuts beautifully. I realized last night I was measuring off the teeth and not the blade between the teeth. So all done with the set up. It was making dust all this afternoon. Dust collection with out the guard is OK.

Frank Trinkle
03-29-2009, 8:23 PM
Hey Paul...

How's the blade that comes with the saw??

Paul Ryan
03-29-2009, 10:22 PM
Hey Paul...

How's the blade that comes with the saw??

Its not bad. I started cutting some birch plywood for a sled tonight and it cuts nice and clean. It wont last very long though. The carbide on it is pretty little. It is about half the size of the carbide on my systimatic blades. But for a OEM blade it is not to bad.

I cut dados tonight. Took only about a minute to change cartidges and no adjustments needed on the brake. I have a Ohslum dado set. Which for $80 is a heck of a nice dado set.

Rob Price
03-29-2009, 11:30 PM
I'm glad to hear about that dado set- I just bought it for this saw. I had a 6" cheapo ebay set previously. The Oslun set had good reviews at Rockler so I bought it. First dados will be tomorrow, and then I have to get back to (real) work.

My experience (while I don't have a dial indicator) with the blade setup has been the same. Once I set up my fence, I don't have any problem with the blade, I suspect it's right on. Every review I've read of Sawstop saws (while not inclusive) has said the blade was spot on out of the box.

I have mixed feelings about the blade guard. When doing a "trim" cut (ie. less than an 1" off the end) it gets pushed over into the blade, not a big deal, except I'm worried about setting off the brake. I just need to remember to lift it up. Working with the riving knife is very nice, but a little more dust out of the top. I'm interested in to what the new overhead guard will look like.

As far as the stock blade, it's average I think, although I've only done a few cuts with it, I quickly switched to my Freud blade, but it's burning now and due for a sharpening (I've had it 3 years). When compared to my fairly brand new ripping blade there is a big difference- that is literally like cutting through butter (ripping 4/4 maple). I'm guessing with a good sharp combo blade it will be the same. I think the stock blade is good enough to get me through while waiting for my other blade to get sharpened.

On the other hand, I would have prefered a better miter gage and no blade at all. You can't adjust for slop- I think it's almost identical to the miter gage that came with my contractor's saw. I already have an upgrade, but for an otherwise tight/precise machine, the miter gage is sloppy.

This is my first Beis/clone fence so I don't have much to compare it to, but it was easy to get set up square to the table and parallel to the blade, travels smoothly, and locks down tight. Easy to make minute adjustments. I like it.

Overall, after a solid weekend in the shop, I am very happy with the saw and glad I jumped on the promotion.

Rob Price
03-29-2009, 11:59 PM
Check out my new cabinet under the saw. On clearance at wally world, couldn't pass it up. I'll have to make a respectable cabinet one of these days.