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View Full Version : Pieces of Scrap

Richard Gillespie
07-21-2004, 9:08 PM
While searching for clear pieces of wood to start making both a saw till and saw sharpening jig, I had a small piece of plywood fall and hit me in the shoulder. Kinda upset me so I threw it into the bed of my pickup truck. Started looking around and there were a lot of scrap pieces of plywood stacked various places. Decided that's it, the small stuff goes. The next thing I know I have a full load on my long bed pick up. I only kept some longer pieces (4'-8') just in case.

I never really thought of myself as a pack rat but maybe I am. I need to do the same thing with small pieces of wood. There is a lot of that stuffed in various places.

Every time I do this, two weeks latter I need a piece the size of some of what went to the dump. The truth of the matter is though, I wouldn't of necessarily found what I needed and would have gone out and bought a new sheet anyway.

Lee Schierer
07-21-2004, 9:29 PM
Here's at least one use for scraps of plywood. http://home.earthlink.net/~us71na/catxport.jpg

All the cat owners in my family have at least one.

I also recently made a surround for the litter box to keep the litter in the box. Our cat sometimes gets a bit over enthusiatic with his digging. It was also from scrap plywood. Sorry no pictures of it.


Tony Falotico
07-22-2004, 6:54 AM
Ah Yes, the age old question .... when is scrap usable vrs when is it garbage? :rolleyes: How much do you keep, at what size do you toss it? :confused: I don't think man will ever solve that dilemma !

Alan Turner
07-22-2004, 9:37 AM
I amo not a plywood guy, except for BB for jigs. But, I have a ton of HW scraps. I save too many as it is, but collect the rest in paper garbage bags, with a plastic garbage bag on the outside, and when they are full, I put it in the garage or on the portico, and when we have company, I offer them up as fireplace kindling. I think I must start a lot of fires with this practice.

I guess I should start making boxes or something, but so far have not been inspired. A friend is a box maker, of sorts, and so I save the tropicals and figureds for him.
If I had more space, I bet I would just fill it up with this stuff.

Steve Clardy
07-22-2004, 1:08 PM
I guess I can't really call my scraps---scraps.
My plywood and lumber cutoffs go in certain places, till they gradually get cut down to smaller stuff, then on to a 55 gallon plastic barrel when they get to what many call a scrap. When it gets full I drag it out back and bring in a fresh barrel. The barrels of kindling are used to start the wood stove in the winter.
So I guess my scraps are really called kindling.;)