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View Full Version : Fun with JD AP Package

Stephen Beckham
03-23-2009, 1:52 PM
Well timing is everything... Had a good friend ask me last night to come up with a USB thumbdrive trophy/award for his retiring buddy. Apparently, he dumped a nasty virus on the computer at the office through his thumbdrive and got busted...

While I'm trying to figure out what to do, the UPS man delivers the annual AP package - inside was the basketball stick figure trophy topper.... I don't think this is what they had it intended for, but I'm going to have to get some of these - they have lots of potential...

Anyway, this is what I came up with - an appropriately, his hands will stand straight up because the fella was threatened arrest plus fines for the thumb drive violation... (he got off with warning) So now to make it more memorable (like Federal Agents aren't enough to remember)....

Oh well, just thought you guys and gals might get a kick out of it...


Dee Gallo
03-23-2009, 2:25 PM
This is a great creative trophy, Stephen!

I'll bet it will be a big hit at his retirement party - guys love to rub it in with stuff like this. You might want to glue a rubber bug on the back of it...

Thanks for posting, dee

David Fairfield
03-23-2009, 2:39 PM
Cute! Heh heh, yeah I like the bug idea. You could use a little green fuzzy pom pom from the craft store. :D


Jacob Hebert
03-23-2009, 3:24 PM
Ha, that's quite hilarious. I'd like to see the look on his face when he sees that "award"... :D

I agree with the above concensus... the "bug" on the back would be a nice touch. :)

Stephen Beckham
03-23-2009, 5:06 PM
Thanks for the input - I'll go home and dig through little Stevie's happy meal toys and see if I can find something - that would really cover up the blob to help hide that blob and complete it...


Frank Corker
03-23-2009, 5:39 PM
Ha ha he must have been rolling on the floor when he saw it.

John W. Love
03-23-2009, 9:12 PM
That's funny, I don't care who ya are