View Full Version : 8 Black Diamonds

Dewey Torres
03-21-2009, 5:22 PM
My latest work. Another turning from the Cedar saga, ebony finial and stand with 8 inlaid diamonds which are died holly veneers to embellish the lid.

Keith Burns,
I owe you the design inspiration for this one sir!

Thanks for looking:)

Dave Halter
03-21-2009, 5:38 PM
Okay Dewey you've been turning for how long now? All I can say is "wow".


Larry Marley
03-21-2009, 6:18 PM

I love watching your turning progress. The inlay stuff is intriguing as heck. Definitely an "I gota learn that" kind of thing.

Kirk Miller
03-21-2009, 6:19 PM
Beautiful work Dewey. Simple but elagant

Brian Brown
03-21-2009, 6:41 PM
OK Dewey, Slow it down. Your starting to show up the rest of us, and we don't like it. :eek::D

Actually it's hard to believe you have only been turning for two months. This one looks great! But I can't believe you dyed Holly. :eek: That stuff is so hard to find. I'm heading to the shop right now to cut some, and have been calculating to the nearest speck of sawdust so I do not waste any.

I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Bernie Weishapl
03-21-2009, 6:51 PM
Yea Dewey we don't like it when you show us up.:eek::cool:;)

Seriously Dewey that is one beautiful piece. Form, finial and finish are just great. Well done.

David Christopher
03-21-2009, 8:01 PM
Dewey, you are a turning machine.....and your work is beautiful

Don Carter
03-21-2009, 8:31 PM
Beautiful piece! I love the embellishments. You keep this up and Fitz may want that bomb back...;)

All the best.


Scott Lux
03-21-2009, 8:54 PM
It's official, I hate you :p You are sooo good at this sooo quickly. Nice piece, great job.


alex carey
03-22-2009, 12:04 AM
That is a very beautiful and impressive piece. Well done. The diamond inlays were a really nice tough. Well done.

Jim Kountz
03-22-2009, 12:52 AM
Dewey come on, you bought that thing somewhere didnt you?? lol Seriously man you are coming along so quickly its alarming. I couldnt do that if I tried and believe me I have. Very nice work my friend, very nice!!

Dewey Torres
03-22-2009, 1:42 AM
Okay Dewey you've been turning for how long now? All I can say is "wow".


Started Jan 27th 2009 but I my wife will attest I have been working all of my off time on turning! I mean all of it!


I love watching your turning progress. The inlay stuff is intriguing as heck. Definitely an "I gota learn that" kind of thing.

By far the best complement. When you put up a web site you have no idea what will happen (I mean you). I used to be of the crowd that thought they would never turn until I begin to open up and see what a skilled person at the lathe could do. Would you believe that I was reviewing a post right here on SMC when I got linked to your video on the inside-out turning you learned from Curt Fuller .... that did it.!!!! I didn't know when and how but I knew I would turn someday. Thanks to Ken it came a few days earlier then I thought.

I still have not gotten good enough to make that turning but when I do, I will be sure to post and send some credits your way. I have started privet tutoring and right now I am booked (free and only to my friends). But if you really want to learn inlay or marquetry send me a PM. I can't get you into the Smithsonian but I can guarantee a huge head start (for free).

Thanks a million Larry!

OK Dewey, Slow it down. Your starting to show up the rest of us, and we don't like it. file:///C:/Users/Dewey/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.giffile:///C:/Users/Dewey/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gif

I know you are just being nice... I have a long way to go but this was very fun!

Actually it's hard to believe you have only been turning for two months. This one looks great! But I can't believe you dyed Holly. file:///C:/Users/Dewey/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gifThat stuff is so hard to find. I'm heading to the shop right now to cut some, and have been calculating to the nearest speck of sawdust so I do not waste any.

I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your work.

You will see more soon. I did not dye the Holly. I bought it from Constantine’s for marquetry BC of the strait grain. Holly is great for solid white and strait grain and when you do marquetry grain becomes an issue. The whole project for these diamonds took 3 square inches of the stuff so I realize the value and use it sparingly.

Dewey, you are a turning machine.....and your work is beautiful

Thanks Dave...someone sent me all this darn cedarfile:///C:/Users/Dewey/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gif

Beautiful piece! I love the embellishments. You keep this up and Fitz may want that bomb back...file:///C:/Users/Dewey/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image003.gif

All the best.


I doubt it. For one he already has it back. I have the "new bomb". Fedex broke the original, also he has the "big mustard". What would he need with a 1220vs? Yes...I owe Ken beer!

Dewey come on, you bought that thing somewhere didnt you?? lol Seriously man you are coming along so quickly its alarming. I couldnt do that if I tried and believe me I have. Very nice work my friend, very nice!!

It was a copy, but I learn tons on each piece. Thanks for the kind words!

Dewey Torres
03-22-2009, 2:35 AM
To the person that sent me the Sorby Multi tip hollowing tool:


Toney Robertson
03-22-2009, 6:17 AM
Very nice. The inlays really make the piece pop.


Cody Colston
03-22-2009, 8:56 AM
Beautiful piece, Dewey.

The rapid development of your turning skills is impressive but even moreso is your eye for shape and design. I wish I had it.

mike holden
03-22-2009, 9:05 AM
Very, very nice.


Steve Schlumpf
03-22-2009, 12:56 PM
Dewey - this work is most impressive! Great proportions, really nice looking wood combination and you did a wonderful variation of Keith's piece!

Very impressed with your rapidly developing turning abilities! Turning is addictive - because it is so much fun and when it comes to design - your imagination is your only limit! Doesn't seem like you are running out of fun things to turn yet......

Keep up the great work!

Jarrod McGehee
03-22-2009, 3:17 PM
Dewey that's awesome! I love that and it's good. Nice work

Lori Kleinberg
03-22-2009, 4:21 PM
Dewey, that is some beautiful piece.

Keith Burns
03-22-2009, 5:58 PM
Dewey what a wonderful piece. I really like the diamonds, nice touch. Like others have said you seem to have a knack for this turning thing. Keep up the good work and thanks.

Jim Becker
03-22-2009, 7:06 PM
Geepers, Dewey! You have taken to this spinny thing in an incredible way! Outstanding!

Ken Fitzgerald
03-22-2009, 10:48 PM
I'm starting to get embarrassed by your rapidly advancing turning skills!

Very nicely done Dewey!

(Said in a deep Will Geer voice.....) "Your imagination and rapidly advancing turning skills will take you far Pilgrim!"

Mike Golka
03-22-2009, 11:46 PM
Very well done, I like it a lot.

Jeff Nicol
03-23-2009, 8:00 AM
Dewey, We can see that your natural talant as an artist is showing through on your turning! Your inlays are spot on and your eye for design is great! Shapes and forms are every where and being able to put them together to compliment each other is a gift! Soon we will be reading a book called "THE RAPID RISE OF MR. TORRES" a turning oddessy!

Great work and thanks for sharing!


Brian Effinger
03-23-2009, 9:33 AM
WOW Dewey. It takes some serious skill to turn a piece like that, not to mention the inlay on top of it. Like the others, I am amazed that you have just started turning.

This may sound weird, but, you inspire me. :D Actually you inspire me to find some shop time and try something new and challenging with the lathe.