View Full Version : Smart Miter Follow-up

Jerry Heiser
07-21-2004, 8:29 AM
This is a follow-up to the thread below. But first I would like to thank everyone for the warm welcome. I think I'm going to like it here.
Well, I DID it! Based on response here and two other forums, I bit the bullet and bought the Smart Miter. I think I got a really good deal on a combo package that included the Smart Miter, Video, & hold down clamp. After I made the order on-line, Jointech emailed me and let me know of an "early-bird" special (advertised in their flyer, which I didn't have a copy of) that the drop off panel was on sale for $20.00, down from $40. I said "sure" add it on. Cosidering time and materials, I figured I couldn't make it for less than that. THEN they said it should be delivered by this Friday! Man, that's service in my book. I also took advantage of the sale on the feather-board for my sawtrain. I'm a happy camper. http://www.jointech.com/jointech_board/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
Now it's on to the project of expanding my shop by 200 sq. ft. After reading the great thread on Jim Kreton's amazing performance with his shop, I'm really inspired. I should be able (based on Jim's work ethic) to do the job in a couple of evenings after work. :D Seriously, I 'm really impressed with his effort and results. Ah, to be young and zealous again. But hey, I just turned 58, so I'm not THAT old. Give me three evenings!!

Thanks again for the input. I appreciated it.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-21-2004, 9:44 AM
Welcome to the 'Creek, Jerry! Look at the influence this place has! Now you're buying major tools and expanding your shop! Ouch dear.....no I don't want another tool.....Ouch dear! Yes, I removed the hot button to go to SMC....Ouch dear :eek: :p :D

Charles McKinley
07-21-2004, 9:46 AM
Hi Jerry,

You won't regret this purchase. Have fun!

Sam Chambers
07-21-2004, 10:08 AM

I haven't received their flyer yet either. When does the "Early Bird" special end?

Like you, I have a Jointech SawTrain and a SmartMiter. In my experience, those folks will bend over backward to make thier customers happy. The best customer service I've ever encountered.

Jerry Heiser
07-21-2004, 10:32 AM

I haven't received their flyer yet either. When does the "Early Bird" special end?

Like you, I have a Jointech SawTrain and a SmartMiter. In my experience, those folks will bend over backward to make thier customers happy. The best customer service I've ever encountered.
I'm not sure when the early-bird special ends, Sam. I thought I was on they're mailing list for their new catalog and summer sale flyers, but I must have been dropped. Maybe my new purchase will reinstate me.

Mike McEniry
07-21-2004, 5:55 PM
Before you go through the whole set-up process I'd simply advise you to lay a straight edge from corner to corner on your pheonelic (sp) table to ensure it is flat. My first Smart Miter was so warped it rocked badly and Jointech had to send me another one. Of course I went through an hour setting it up before I realized this. You'll love the tool!

Mike :)

Jerry Heiser
07-21-2004, 8:47 PM
Thanks for the tip, Mike. I'll be sure to do that.
