View Full Version : Bessey's don't clamp

Brian Penning
03-21-2009, 5:57 AM
Been trying to find an old thread regarding Bessey's that don't clamp properly?
There's too many old posts with the word bessey for me to go through.
Problem was with the clamps just allowing maybe 1 turn and still not being relatively tight.
Was something about an allen screw too that fixed the problem?, I think.
TIA for all replies.

Perry Underwood
03-21-2009, 7:29 AM
Are you refering to Bessey Tradesman bar clamps? I have noticed that the grooved edges on the rail on these kind of clamps can become flattened after much use. This will make it impossible to tighten the clamp at that point because the arm can't grab against the rail. To correct the problem I just use a file to repair the grooves.

Brian Penning
03-21-2009, 8:08 AM
Sorry, meant the K-bodys

Frank Drew
03-21-2009, 3:11 PM

I don't think I saw a previous discussion about this, but I'm not sure I understand what the clamps are doing, or failing to do.

Problem was with the clamps just allowing maybe 1 turn and still not being relatively tight. Are you backing off the screw handle all or most of the way before sliding up the clamping head?

Phil Thien
03-21-2009, 5:49 PM
There was a thread where it was suggested you oil the threads. A drop or two of oil on those threads (work it in) will allow you to apply substantially more pressure.

Andy McCormick
03-21-2009, 6:51 PM
I've had issues with k body's myself. What happens is when you get your clamp snug when gluing lets say boards together when you try to tighten it up more the whole clamp wants to rotate the same direction as you tighten. I have tried to use oil but it doesnt seem to help out. I called Bessey and they never had anyone complain about it. But the sent me 12 new clamps anyway. Now the new clamps are doing the same thing. Once the lubrication in the threads leaves it seems to never work the same.