View Full Version : Off and running---Hard Maple update

Gary Max
03-19-2009, 4:36 PM
And we are off to the races ---or something like that.
I did get a good start on this but it's going to be next week before I have any time to work on it.
Wood is Hard Maple with a touch of burl.
Here's some pics

Burt Alcantara
03-19-2009, 4:51 PM
Nice setup. I wish I had room in my shop for that kind of hoist. What kind of chuck is that?

Keep us posted on your hollowing. I'd really like to know how you do it.


charlie knighton
03-19-2009, 6:42 PM
good start, keep us updated, cool

Gary Max
03-19-2009, 7:12 PM
The chuck is a Titan with 5 inch jaws-----had to save up to buy that one.
I have had it for a couple of years and it still works just like new.

Steve Schlumpf
03-19-2009, 9:07 PM
Gary - that is quite the chunk! Looking forward to seeing the completed version!

Bernie Weishapl
03-19-2009, 9:56 PM
Gary that is a mass of wood. Waiting to see the finished piece.

Gary Max
03-20-2009, 5:22 AM
I got up early today so I could get in a couple of hours lathe time.
Right now my steady ain't real happy with the weight so I am having to slow the RPM's down.

Gary Max
03-20-2009, 8:32 PM
The extra time was well spent.
I found the trouble and why the blank was acting so badly.
Inside there was a big knot of bark and burl about the size of my fist.
About a hour of low RPM work I have that removed and she's up to 300 rpms---which is about all the faster that needs to spin for my taste.
In the pic----the black you see is the back side of the bark wad.
This is a first for me but mother nature does some very unique stuff.
The hole in the pic is about 8 inchs deep.

marty purselley
03-22-2009, 10:18 AM
Impressive Gary! Did you make your bowl steady too?