View Full Version : Tuesday turnings ...

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
03-18-2003, 12:10 PM
Here are a couple ebony pens I turned and put on the "brushed chrome" fittings. I thought it looked pretty good on the dark wood. Attention John Miliunas ... I'm trying to score some corian to do some pens. The one you did looked great ... not to mention Ken's! I can't wait to do some. The second picture is a small bowl I turned this morning out of some Poplar that was dropped off to me by some co-workers Saturday morning. Talk about moisture content ... I had to put windshield wipers on my facemask! The VDOT dropped a couple of trees along a highway, so the guys stopped and scavanged some for me. It's pretty good when people you know have become "wood squirrels" for you and start dropping bits off for you to work on. I gift all of them with a little something. Lately it's been pens! Have fun turning, thanks for looking.

Kent Cori
03-18-2003, 1:41 PM

How much to rent your pet wood squirrels? :D I could really use a couple of those little rascals.

Scott Greaves
03-18-2003, 3:16 PM
Hey Ron!

Those ebony pens sure look nice! I like the one with the bulge - I've been playing with that shape myself lately. The chrome fittings are great agains the black wood!

Have you had any problems with the ebony cracking? It can be tempermental at times.

The bowl looks good too! Found wood is the best!


Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
03-18-2003, 3:38 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Scott Greaves

Have you had any problems with the ebony cracking? It can be tempermental at times.

Scott, I've had a little trouble with the ebony, but I've only lost one blank piece. I did use some CA glue to stabilize one today. I'm trying all different styles and designes. Good Luck on yours. Let me know how it turns out.