View Full Version : A whole new type of pleasure

Brian Brown
03-18-2009, 1:28 AM
So tonight I discovered a new form of pleasure and entertainment. I discovered that you have never lived until you have helped your wife prep a blank for turning, and while she is tearing the bark off, a large white grub pops out onto the table.:eek: If your ears survive the high pitched shreiking, it is great fun to watch her dancing around the garage screaming and gagging at the same time. Absolutely priceless! Almost as if I had specially chosen that particular log for that very reason. Hmmmmmm.... :rolleyes: I wish I had video, but it all happened so fast. I hope to have my hearing back in a few days.:D

Jarrod McGehee
03-18-2009, 1:35 AM
that is hillarious. my english teacher was just saying the other day how she has a terrible trepidation (vocab word) about bugs. any kind of bug. I'm sure you had fun watching that, not so much hearing that happen. But that's fun.

David Walser
03-18-2009, 1:52 AM
You do know your wife reads this forum, don't you?

Dewey Torres
03-18-2009, 2:23 AM
You do know your wife reads this forum, don't you?

You are right David:

Hello Mrs. Brown... it could have been worse. You could have been turning when the grub popped out...guts and the whole nine all over you:eek:

alex carey
03-18-2009, 2:38 AM
If you are reading this, Dewey is completely right. You are very lucky this guy didn't come out when it was spinning on the lathe because it can be really nasty.

Norm Zax
03-18-2009, 3:22 AM
Thanks for posting. Couldnt get the smile off my face for a while! Was thinking what it would be like on this end...

Bill Blasic
03-18-2009, 7:14 AM
Now that was FUNNY!:D:D:D

Toney Robertson
03-18-2009, 7:40 AM
You know that you are "Dead man typing"!!! :D

Made me laugh early this morning.


Steve Schlumpf
03-18-2009, 8:01 AM
Yet another reason why many of us choose to wear face shields!

Brian Effinger
03-18-2009, 11:30 AM
You do know your wife reads this forum, don't you?
That is exactly what I was thinking. I am also thinking that a certain someone is in for a world of trouble when his wife reads this. :D

Of course Brian that was freaking hilarious. I'm going to be smiling all day now!

Brian Brown
03-18-2009, 12:26 PM
it could have been worse. You could have been turning when the grub popped out...guts and the whole nine all over you:eek:

She asked me if there could be more in there to come out while turning. She was worried about where it might land. I told her we could make millions by inventing a face shield with windshield wipers. For some strange reason she was hesitant to turn the blank after that. Women!

Brian Brown
03-18-2009, 12:31 PM
You do know your wife reads this forum, don't you?

I have a great wife, and she's good sport. While I was typing the OP, she walked up behind me, and read it over my shoulder. All she said was "You snot! Now everyone will think I am a wuss". The only thing that worries me is that she doesn't get even, she gets revenge.

Michael Schapansky
03-18-2009, 12:34 PM
Well I guess things are different here. My wife would have shrieked with joy an gone hunting for any other grubs. Then she would have taken them out to the chicken coop to hand feed them to her favorite chickens. Last week she found a small snake that one of the cats killed and took it to the chickens. She didn't get gloves or a stick or anything to pick the snake up with, she just grabbed it and walked it over to the coop. I hope she washed her hands afterwards.

Tamara Brown
03-18-2009, 12:38 PM
I am also thinking that a certain someone is in for a world of trouble when his wife reads this.

Well, gentlemen, I will be happy to tell you that Brian will survive. Of course a whole lot of groveling was involved. :rolleyes: And yes, I had a face sheild and an apron, just incase there were more! :eek: Yikes!

Bill Bolen
03-18-2009, 12:44 PM
My sides still hurt from reading this:D ...Bill..

Rob Russell
03-18-2009, 1:22 PM
If you really wanted her to scream, you should've popped it in your mouth and swallowed. Grubs are great eating according to the survivalists.

Brian Brown
03-18-2009, 1:46 PM
If you really wanted her to scream, you should've popped it in your mouth and swallowed. Grubs are great eating according to the survivalists.

I would have done that but it was dirty, and I didn't have any place to wash it off. :D Delicious and nutritious.

Bernie Weishapl
03-18-2009, 2:08 PM
ROFLOL. I just about had coffee all over my keyboard when I read this. I know what you mean about the shrill shreik.

curtis rosche
03-18-2009, 3:32 PM
thats nothin. you shouldve seen what we did to our physics teacher. my one friend found a mouse in his house, so he put it on a peice of string as a leash, fedd is chips all day till class. then when the teacher wasnt paying attention he tired the leash to her coffe mug. but being the end of the day there was nothing in it. so she didnt notice it till half way through the class in the middle of a test. she freaked out so much. so we went up, untied it and put it in a cage, then sat it back on her desk

Kristi Sprinkle
03-19-2009, 9:00 AM
"Well I guess things are different here. My wife would have shrieked with joy an gone hunting for any other grubs. Then she would have taken them out to the chicken coop to hand feed them to her favorite chickens. Last week she found a small snake that one of the cats killed and took it to the chickens. She didn't get gloves or a stick or anything to pick the snake up with, she just grabbed it and walked it over to the coop. I hope she washed her hands afterwards."

Yes, dear, but not until AFTER I served you dinner. :)

Tamara Brown
03-19-2009, 10:49 AM
Yes, dear, but not until AFTER I served you dinner. :)

OK, now that is funny! Why didn't I think of that!

Bob Hallowell
03-19-2009, 10:57 AM
just remember we were laughing with you not at you!;)

Tamara Brown
03-19-2009, 12:58 PM
just remember we were laughing with you not at you!;)

You may be laughing with me...but I know Brian was laughing at me!:eek:
But, like he mentioned earlier...I don't get even, I get revenge!:D

Brian Brown
03-19-2009, 1:18 PM
I am getting concerned about that revenge thing, especially since I only told part of the story. After she calmed down enough to scream "kill it" to me, I reached for the tool most necessary for the job; a paper bag lying on the workbench for me to breathe into. After I got my laughing induced hyper ventilation under control I grabbed a murder weapon. Just to show what a chivalrous guy I am, I wasn't concerned that the murder weapon at hand was the very first thing I ever turned. I used my trusty bonker, and bonked the offending critter. My wife, in her extreme gratitiude, started gagging and screaming again. I simply can't imagine what all the fuss was about. It only splattered a little bit.

ray hampton
01-20-2012, 8:17 PM
OK, now that is funny! Why didn't I think of that!
forgive me Ladies but was you talking at the time that the grub come out for air