View Full Version : Is there a standard for chair back degrees...

Bill Huber
03-17-2009, 8:59 PM
I am prototyping a chair and was looking around and have really not found anything that states and so type of a standard for the degrees a chair back should be.

This would be just a wooden chair, just not straight backed but a little angel to the back.

So what should that angle be, at this point 5 degrees looks good.

Chris True
03-17-2009, 9:02 PM
The set of 6 I did in the Fall had a 6 degree angle which worked well so I guess 5 is reasonable...

Brian Penning
03-17-2009, 9:05 PM
This link might help...

Bill Huber
03-17-2009, 9:06 PM
The set of 6 I did in the Fall had a 6 degree angle which worked well so I guess 5 is reasonable...

Ok, thanks, I started a 6 and thought that was to much and pulled it down one. I will go with 5 and see out it comes out. I can always add the degree back in on the real chair.

Bill Huber
03-17-2009, 9:08 PM
This link might help...

That is a great page and I have it bookmarked...

Thanks a bunch.