View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
03-16-2009, 6:13 AM
16 Mar 2009

Good Morning,
It's been some wet weather here lately and now we get to experience some nice weather both in no rain and warmer temps. The garden is tilled up and waiting for it to dry out some now and the weeds are starting to pop up over my entire yard. A sure sign that spring is on its way.

This past weekend was one of very busy activity at the day job leaving time for only some tiny bit of time for family and sleep. It was church on Sunday, a small nap Sunday afternoon, as we did get to watch a couple of episodes of "Mr. Ed" that we got in via Netflix. My kids love that show as the LOML and I both did when we were growing up. I sure miss a lot of the old shows.

I would like to personally thank John Shuk for sending me a small sandblaster that he just happened to have laying around his shop. Thanks John!!!!!! I'll get to try it out today.

Working on the old school desk project now for a lady at work and I hope to make some good progress on it today or tomorrow. I'm trying to get a lot of these other projects done so Zahid and I can start working on building our woodworking benches.

Well, that's it for me....so what did YOU do this weekend??

Best of weeks to you all.

Scott Wigginton
03-16-2009, 8:45 AM
After an overnight ER visit for my daughter on Wed I managed to get outside Thur while everyone was sleeping and finish running my new 8-3 circuit into the house and main panel. Good thing too 'cause it started raining a few hours later and it hasn't stopped since!

My plan was to checkout a new source for lumber and get some shop ply for a french cleat system I was going to build this weekend, rain made me adapt but I still got some good stuff done the few hours I could get out there.

Rerouted old fuse-box circuits to new panel and started 240V runs from my triple-gang switch panel

One 40' run remains for my jointer & then just rewire TS motor

Modified my DeWalt TS mobile base to bolt to delta extension base

For full disclosure one dull drill bit was sacrified in this effort :rolleyes:

Restored a rusted 4 bulb fixture
Had an uber gloat fall into my lap (pending rain to stop so I can unload them and get proof pics) :cool:

1953 DeWalt RAS with 4' wide table
Homemade spindle sander (not sure if it oscillates yet)
Full height router table with 1 1/2HP Craftsman router & bits
All he wanted was for me to see if I could scrounge together a semi-working computer (I collect comp parts like Chris Schwarz collects hammers (http://blog.woodworking-magazine.com/blog/When+All+Your+Problems+Look+Like+Hammers.aspx)) :D

A good week looking ahead, hopefully I can get that cleat system next weekend (or better yet, finally pickup that old Belsaw/Craftsman planer!)

Matt Woessner
03-16-2009, 11:02 AM
Sold some cattle on Saturday, as well as brought some new home. Sunday worked in the yard, and enjoyed time with the family. Though I did find time to run some ash through the planer. Overall a good weekend though busy. Everyone have a good week.

Neal Clayton
03-16-2009, 11:45 AM
i'm reminded of the "volkswagon rebuild in the living room trick", you know the one where the guy rebuilds the engine inside the basement of the house only to find that it won't fit back out of the door?

i almost pulled it off. had a large fixed window to build that i cut up last week and glued up over the weekend, without considering the kinda small door it had to fit out of on that side of my shop. it does fit out, but just ;).

Tyler Howell
03-16-2009, 2:25 PM
Helped out with " Mush For The Cure".
Beautiful day, and fun event for a great cause.
Work your way through the Web site for some great Pix
http://www.mushforacure.com/ (http://www.mushforacure.com/)

Ken Fitzgerald
03-16-2009, 3:04 PM
Had a company event to attend this weekend in Tri-Cities, WA. We drove over Saturday expecting to attend a dinner and a hockey game with coworkers and family members. The hockey game was canceled due to the most of the opposing team contracting food poisoning. So.....we had a dinner and then went to a Monster Truck show. The highlight of the the evening for the kids with us was the "Transformasaurus" which came out as a box on tank tracks....transformed itself into a automobile eating dinosaur. Still nice to get together with coworkers.

Sunday we drove back across the desert and observed the new crops sprouting with the snow covered mountains not too far in the distance.

Kevin Arceneaux
03-16-2009, 3:30 PM
Turned the mulch pile between rain showers/storms.

keith ouellette
03-16-2009, 3:38 PM
other than working to earn some money I managed to screw up my router table while I put it together. Just couldn't pay attention long enough.

Took apart and re glued some old spindle back chairs I am fixing and painting for someone.

shaved a horse.

Now I'm sitting here trying to decide what to do about my router table.

Rich Engelhardt
03-16-2009, 5:42 PM
Spring sprang on Sunday w/temps high enough to get out in the garage/shop.
I ripped the T&G flooring I'd bought last Winter down into 1 1/2" wide strips.
Next step is to sort all the pieces by length...

Dewey Torres
03-16-2009, 5:57 PM
Finished the tray on Friday and the bowl on Saturday. I have a lidded box coming soon:

Fred Voorhees
03-16-2009, 7:36 PM
Well, for the most part, I played granddad to our 6 month old grandson all weekend. And that meant waking up at around 3 or 4 each morning to give him a bottle and get him back to sleep so that I could do the same. Logged in plenty of time holding him and playing with him. It is truly a wonderful thing and something that I really didn't expect that I would enjoy so much. Does that sound corny? Anyway, I did manage to spend some time up in the shop over the weekend. Little odds and ends that have been hanging over me for a while. Waiting for a check from a dude in Scotland who wants me to build a jewely box for him, and also a check from some woman in Florida who wants to purchase one of a collection of small boxed that I recently put together. Put in a number of hours continuing on the research project that I am going through, compiling the complete winning history of one of the bigger winners on the local dirt track circuit here in the Northeast.

Bruce Page
03-16-2009, 7:38 PM
Helped out with " Mush For The Cure".
Beautiful day, and fun event for a great cause.
Work your way through the Web site for some great Pix
http://www.mushforacure.com/ (http://www.mushforacure.com/)

That first pic looks a lot like Alaska!

Jim Mattheiss
03-16-2009, 8:03 PM

I spent Friday evening and Saturday AM taking apart, cleaning and SUCCESSFULLY reassembling a Fein Turbo II vacuum that I garbage picked from the curb last fall.

It had ingested a BOATLOAD of sheetrock dust and the fan assembly was caked. Got it all cleaned up and it'll now take the chrome off a trailer hitch and do so QUIETLY!



Kent E. Matthew
03-16-2009, 8:08 PM
Had one child down with the pestilence during week. I was down with the pestilence during the weekend. So, I did absolutely nothing but sleep and operate a television remote.

Jacob Mac
03-17-2009, 12:21 AM
I installed new gutters on the back of my house, and put up some new siding. My daughter turned 8 this weekend, so we had a small party for her.

Oh, and I had two pipes burst in my basement. So it was a pretty busy weekend. Luckily I was downstairs when it happened so I was able to minimize the damage.