View Full Version : Should I put a lid on this?

Dewey Torres
03-15-2009, 5:22 PM
This was to be my first bowl but some have said it looks more like a box. Should I put a lid on it, or leave as is? If you chose the other option please explain in the post:).


Steve Schlumpf
03-15-2009, 5:47 PM
Dewey, just wanted to explain why I voted to leave it as is. Most of the time when you turn a box you turn the body and the top out of the same piece of wood. The idea here is to have the grain continue it's flow uninterrupted from the top into the body. You can add detail lines, inlay, or whatever you wish, but normally the grain plays a role in the overall look of the lidded box.

Won't say that a lid here wouldn't work but feel it has more to do with the fact that your first photo of your bowl showed the bottom of the bowl instead of a profile. That photo created a mindset because from that aspect the bowl does indeed look like a lidded box. If photo 2 or 3 had been first - this whole lidded box thing would have never come up.

So, my vote is to leave it as is and move on to something else.

Just my opinion..........

alex carey
03-15-2009, 6:03 PM
I'd make it a box. Steve is right, but I would go with box because of the shape. It just feels "boxy". The shape of the hollowing makes it seem like a box.

David Christopher
03-15-2009, 6:06 PM
another vote to leave it as is...it is your first one...you can make a box later

Judy Kingery
03-15-2009, 6:19 PM
I simply like it as is - for a box, I'd do something that interacts rather than "sets on top," in terms of a lid. I think it's very nice as-is. I also like the black accent line around the rim. Nicely done! Jude

Gary Max
03-15-2009, 7:09 PM
Heck leave it and go turn another one and make a box out of it.

Tim Cleveland
03-15-2009, 7:31 PM
Very nice bowl,the base gives the form a nice lift and all the lines work together for a very nice, clean form. I agree with Steve, that idealy the lid should be made out of the same piece of wood as the box, however, I have seen some beautiful boxes where the lid was made out of a contrasting wood and the finial (in this case a knob-like shape might compliment the form a little better) was made out of the same wood as the box. Even though I voted to add a lid, (I think it will complete the the form a little more) with or without a lid, it is a great piece of work.

Sorry, should have introduced myself first since this is my first post. I just joined the forum a few days ago, been turning for a little over two years, I have been very fortunate to have Mike Mahoney as a mentor (long distance mentorship, we live very far away from eachother). I have been browsing the forum for a few weeks now, and have already learned alot from it..... great forum.


Brian Effinger
03-15-2009, 7:42 PM
You know what my vote is ;) go with a lid. Maybe something contrasting, with an ebony finial. And maybe have it mirror the shape of the bottom.

Of course you could maybe use a clear plexi lid. Steve made a really nice one a while back.


Bernie Weishapl
03-15-2009, 9:35 PM
That's your first bowl Dewey. Date it, sign it and save it. Now go turn a box with a lid.:D;):rolleyes:

Reed Gray
03-15-2009, 9:44 PM
I sell almost all of my turnings. If I had it at a show, some would want it for a bowl, and others would want it for a box. The form could work either way. If you give it to your mom/wife/son/dad/daughter/friend, they may or may not want a lid. So, either way can work.
robo hippy

Chris Barnett
03-15-2009, 10:55 PM
Yep, do a lid, then when almost done, turn it over and finish as a platter.

Curt Fuller
03-15-2009, 11:00 PM
I voted for 'leave as is' for the same reasons as Mr. Schlumph. But I also wanted to say that you've done a beautiful job on it!

Tim Leiter
03-16-2009, 6:46 AM
Very nice wood and finish. I especially like the knot and woodgrain. I voted to add a lid because of the shape, it just screams to me "give me a lid."

03-16-2009, 7:12 AM
Make a lid, if nothing else but practice. Good looking the way it is.


Jeff Nicol
03-16-2009, 7:24 AM
Dewey, I think by you asking the question, you think it needs a lid. Like others have said it is great as it is, but try a lid or two just fast turned to shapes that you like. Set them on the top and see if it gives you the desired affect. If we ask everyone to tell us what to do we lose our own connection to the piece. I like the shape and it has an oreintal feel to it. Look up some "Raku" type pottery and see what some of the lids look like on those, I think you will be inspired! From Steve, to Bernie and everyone in between the messages have been great, and I for one value them all, but let your heart and your eye as an artist lead you to the answer.

I sound like a darn Shrink, maybe I need a new vocation! NO WAY TURNING IS MY LIFE!!

Have fun and for a novice, Dewey you are doing very well!
