View Full Version : LN Plane Sharpening with David Charlesworth

Bill Stoffels
03-15-2009, 2:09 PM
I could not have been more wrong about this dvd, I thought that there were not a lot of intricate steps to sharpening a hand plane. WOW I ADMIT I WAS WAY OFF.
If you would like to use any hand plane be it a Lie Nielsen or other this $20.00 DVD will ensure that you have the best "adjusted" tool possible.
I recently tried a LN plane and am hooked . withing the last 2 months aquired a 60 1/2 , 4-1/2 , 5-1/2, and a #8
I am currently working on getting them adjusted per the video and the $20.00 price is worth its weight in gold.
I love the planes and the instruction is crucial to getting them to perform as you want them to .
Just an opinion.
if you looking for information on how to sharpen a plane blade this is it .


JohnMorgan of Lititz
03-15-2009, 2:33 PM
Bill, good find. I haven't watched the DVD, but I saw the material a couple years ago in Pop. Woodworking magazine (or was it FWW?, either way...) and it got me started in the right direction for putting a proper camber on a blade.
I was very green to handplanes back then and was reading everything I could to soak up information. I'm still green, but just a shade more knowledgeable now. :)

I was fortunate enough to sit through his day-long seminar on the same subject about 2 years ago at LN in Maine...was worth the $50 bucks to meet him and be able to ask questions.

To this day I use a variation of his method to prep a new plane blade...

Bill Stoffels
03-15-2009, 2:47 PM
I am using the video for the last 3 hours setting up 4 new planes and its working great. in my opinion this sould be included with the Lie Nielsen planes in that you have a quality tool sta start with but this tuning is critical to making a new user like myself become a advocate for these fine tools.
yes the $50.00 is more than worth it , the DVD just made me more dangerous as a user.

Chuck Nickerson
03-16-2009, 12:59 PM
David Charlesworth has several DVDs. Which particular one are you refering to?

JohnMorgan of Lititz
03-16-2009, 1:16 PM
I am using the video for the last 3 hours setting up 4 new planes and its working great. in my opinion this sould be included with the Lie Nielsen planes in that you have a quality tool sta start with but this tuning is critical to making a new user like myself become a advocate for these fine tools.
yes the $50.00 is more than worth it , the DVD just made me more dangerous as a user.

The whole sharpening thing is a slippery slope (like LN handplanes, or handplanes in general). Everyone has their opinion on the best methods, etc. Over the past few years of trying to learn the basics, I found it best to learn one method and get really good at it, then maybe branch out into what is maybe more efficient. I like the Charlesworth method...

I think in the end, go off of the results you get in the wood. Guys go crazy (in my opinion) trying to get wicked crazy sharp edges. From what I've seen, my 8000 grit waterstone final hone shaves my arm clean and does well on the hardwoods i've messed with. Learn to sharpen and get quick at it. Then you won't mind starting each handplaning session by touching up the iron.

I think in short, don't become pressured by the sharpen-aholics. :)

Wilbur Pan
03-16-2009, 2:36 PM
I could not have been more wrong about this dvd, I thought that there were not a lot of intricate steps to sharpening a hand plane. WOW I ADMIT I WAS WAY OFF.

Just out of curiosity, what did you find that was intricate? I've read David Charlesworth's articles on plane blade sharpening, and although I don't use his ruler trick myself, it seems pretty straightforward to me.

Danny Burns
03-16-2009, 3:23 PM
I like the fact that these guys have done their homework. Another that comes to mind is Rob Cosman. Just like having good tools, I like to have good instruction too.

I ran across this post somewhere in my travels, and it stuck with me ....

"The Better the tool, the better the job .... but you have to know how to do the job!"
Seems to be good advice.

Bill Stoffels
03-16-2009, 7:16 PM
it was the making of a curved blade?
Its a great method I thouoght very interesting.
I must be easily amused