View Full Version : Three Cherry Projects...

Andy Sowers
03-13-2009, 11:57 PM
Just thought I'd post three recently completed "projects"...

The first is a cherry bookcase I made for my 2.5yr old daughter. Its based on a Woodsmith design my wife liked. As you can see... it's already been put to good use.


With some of the scraps leftover from this project, I built my first box (sides are maple, top and splines are cherry). My sister had me make this for my Dad for his 70th birthday. We're going to give it to him filled with cards from his extended family. I have to say I was really surprised how much fun it was to make this box... My wife likes the box so much, she's already placed an order! :)


Both of these projects are little warmups... my wife and I are planning on remodeling our kitchen, so I need to hone my ww and HVLP spraying skills before embarking on that journey. Here's two mockup doors I made to get the wife's approval (they've not been glued up or finished yet... maybe a project for the weekend?)


Thanks for looking!


Jim Kountz
03-14-2009, 12:41 AM
Nice work, I really like the box. On the two doors is it just the light or is the bottom rail of the right door and the top rail of the left door alot lighter in color than the other members?? They look really good though either way!!

Andy Sowers
03-14-2009, 12:50 AM

Yeah... its just a play of the light... or in this case the camera flash. Under natural light, they all look the same.

Have to admit, for a newbie it was kinda intimidating using the cope/stick bits for the first time... but after taking a deep breath, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought! The most difficult part was making a jig to make the curved templates for the arched rail.

Thanks again!


John Keeton
03-14-2009, 6:10 AM
Nice work on the projects - I like the box, as well as the book shelf. When you post pics, if you can make the size a bit larger it would help.

Also, if you are taking votes on the doors, I vote for the rectangular one without the arch top. I am just not an arched top guy - it needs to be a special project with lines that are complimented by the arch for it to add to the piece. On kitchen cabinets, every other line in the kitchen is usually straight, and the arch tops tend to stick out like a sore thumb.

Just my opinion - and worth nothing, even with the coming inflation!

John Thompson
03-14-2009, 9:55 AM
Nice job on all Andy... I would say you got a "hat trick" if you are familiar with hockey terms.


Mark Valsi
03-14-2009, 10:11 AM
Nice box !!