View Full Version : finally figured out how to sharpen a card scraper, now how do i use it?

Mike Gager
03-13-2009, 11:37 PM
after watching the howto on sharpening a card scraper on the woodwhisperer i got a chance to try it out tonight and was finally able to get a nice burr and testing on a piece of oak i get pretty nice shavings. however i notice after scraping the wood has a lot of dimples and low spots where i scraped and in all honesty the wood didnt seem all that much smoother then the areas where i didnt scrape. ive always understood a scraper will give you a finish ready surface but what i got is a bumpy mess. it seems when you bend the scraper slightly that it creates a gouge in the wood rather then a flat surface. also if you catch the edge of the wood with the scraper it seems to want to tear out

so am i doing something wrong? expecting to much?

how do you know when to stop scraping an area?

David Gendron
03-14-2009, 2:42 AM
the way I see it, when using card scapers, is if the surface is already prety good, you should use a lite touch with a less agresive burr, as for a lot of scraping i.e. fixing up some tear out, you could use a more agresive burr and bent the sraper more. also what i found that help is to work the board diagonaly and finish with the grain with just a lite bow of the scaper and lite passes!
I'm no pro at it yet, but uses it quite a bit.
hoppe it helps and if I have said something wrong, some body will say so...

dan grant
03-14-2009, 7:34 AM
practise and more practise, i took a class at LV and worked wonders for me, have had one for a number of years but used it mainly for cleaning glue out of inside corners now it is one of my most used tools, my first attempt at using it was to dig a pothole, guess we just have to be smarter then a flat piece of metal:)