View Full Version : Mesquite HF

Jim Glock
03-13-2009, 9:50 PM
Getting ready to put the finishing touches on this big mesquite burl. jim

Bill Bolen
03-13-2009, 10:56 PM
You are almost there too! Fantastic looking piece...hope to see the finished project soon...Bill..

Steve Schlumpf
03-13-2009, 11:19 PM
Wow - that is one big hunk of wood! Great color! Looking forward to seeing the finished HF!

alex carey
03-13-2009, 11:36 PM
That is beautiful in every way I can think of. Make sure to post the finished product

Jarrod McGehee
03-13-2009, 11:41 PM
Dang Jim, that sure is a big piece. Nice steady, must hold a lot. and that hollowing rig is pretty huge! (at least I think so) but I can't wait to see the finished product.

Bernie Weishapl
03-14-2009, 8:05 AM
Great looking piece Jim. Make sure you post the finished piece.

Dave Bureau
03-14-2009, 9:08 AM
Hey, Its got a hole in it!!! Bet it wont hold water.

Great looking piece!

Jim Kountz
03-14-2009, 9:18 AM
Wow that is amazing!! Looks beautiful already!!

Ben Gastfriend
03-14-2009, 9:34 AM
I always enjoy pieces made out of mesquite, and this is no exception. It's a shame we don't have any of that up here in PA.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-14-2009, 10:33 AM
Beautiful wood and form! Can't wait to see the finished project!

Bill Wyko
03-14-2009, 12:12 PM
I bet you were sharpening your arse off. That's a real beauty. Mesquite is like turning steel.:D

Thomas Canfield
03-15-2009, 7:37 AM
That really looks great. You must have cleaned your shop several times between pictures since I did not see the mound of dust or chips and Mesquite makes a lot of both. The lighter cap seems like a distraction to me at first from the darker body and edge, but I like the form.

Did you have problems with the voids and your steady rest? It looks like the wheels were over air in several places. I need to make one for my lathe and keep putting it off waiting on the "right" simple design, and yours looks about right.