View Full Version : Back in the Shop at Last!

Sam Chambers
07-18-2004, 5:07 PM
You might remember my post back in December, about my back surgery. The surgery went extremely well, as has the recovery period. I took a very conservative approach and decided to give it at least 6 months before I ventured back into the shop.

Well, yesterday, at long last, I took the plunge. Now, I'm no neat freak, but one look at the shop told me I'd better spend some time cleaning up, as I had left a project or two in various state of completion. The place was really a mess. So, I spent yesterday cleaning the place up.

I didn't accomplish anything tangible, but hey, it's a start. I'm just glad to be back in the shop. Lookout lumber - here I come!

Jerry Olexa
07-18-2004, 7:30 PM
Mike I too had a pretty serious back issue right after I retired!! Set me back at least 4-6 months. I've learned: Go slowly, Don't be Macho w lifting and moving.
Learn what you can do and what you can't (e.g., I don't climb ladders anymore) AND Woodworking is a wonderfully relaxing and satifying part of recovery. Makes you feel whole again. ENJOY it and reintro yourself but Slowly!! Jerry

Jim Becker
07-18-2004, 7:47 PM
That's great news, Sam. I'm glad your recovery has gone well and that you are back in the shop...nothin' better, my friend. And even shop cleanup can be an enjoyable task, especially while you get reaquainted with the place as well as with "stretching some muscles" that you may have not been using as much since the surgery. Now...get out there and make something and don't forget that pictures are required at SMC! :D

Jeff Skory
07-18-2004, 10:43 PM
Congratulations on your recovery. Enjoy your time in the shop, and like Jerry said....don't overdo it, because I'm sure you want to be able to go back in the shop tomorrow as well. :)

Brad Schmid
07-18-2004, 10:51 PM
Good news! Having experienced a similar medical situation, I know what it's like to return to the shop after being forced to set it aside for an extended period of time. Feels great doesn't it?! I didn't care what I was doing as long as I was there :D

Ken Fitzgerald
07-19-2004, 12:33 AM
I suffered a broken back 3 years ago. Took me better part of a year to recover to where I could do "normal" things. I layed on my back for 10 weeks praying I could go back to work. Take it slow. Do enough to gently "push" yourself but not enough to strain! Glad to hear you're back in the shop! Good Luck with the rest of your recovery!

Kent Cori
07-19-2004, 10:02 AM

Glad to hear you are back in the saddle. If you had lower back surgery, you might want to try one of those back support belts that the Borgs sell. They certainly help in my case and only cost a few bucks.

Sam Chambers
07-19-2004, 7:54 PM
Thanks for the kind words, folks. I'm definitely going to ease back into the shop, but it felt really good to be there.

My days of lifting heavy WW machines are definitely over, so maybe the next project will be some mobile stands for the portable planer and the CMS. I saw a really simple design in one of the new WW magazines - something made out of 2x4's, bolted together, with a rather ingenious (and very simple) way to get it on wheels and move it around. Time to start drawing some plans!