View Full Version : Steam bending strap-tight radius

Doug Mason
03-12-2009, 2:45 PM
I'm doing a one-time project that requires steam bending a 3/4 x 3/4 by 3 ft long piece of oak (kiln dried) over a tight radius. I tried it 3 times now--and each time I get around 95% of the radius before it snaps. So, based on what I have googled, I need to get a metal strap (I'll do the end stops)--which I think will solve my problem. Lee Valley has them--but since this is a one-time project, I was hoping to get something local (not spending much $$$). The closest I have come to an inch wide bending strap is galvanized roofing flashing in 8 inch wide rools--and I'm not sure it would be strong enough; anyone have any recommendations?

Richard Wolf
03-12-2009, 3:04 PM
In the metal department at HD they sell strips of aluminum 1" or 2" wide and rather thin, maybe 1/8". I have used it for bending strips. Screw blocks at the ends for stop blocks.


george wilson
03-12-2009, 3:37 PM
A metal strap would help,but do use something where iron doesn't come into contact with the oak. If you are steaming the wood,you have to work el mucho rapido!! Can you split the plank near an edge,and find out exactly at what angle the grain is running,then saw out your strip so the grain is straight within it? That would help.

The Woodwright's shop did a few shows on making Windsor chairs. They bent some pretty thick wood. Some of the shows are now on the internet. They used a strap.

Another suggestion: can you saw the wood into thinner strips,bend them,and glue them up so the strips are in order,and the grain matches up? Could be hard to spot if you do it right. Kiln dried wood is harder to bend than air dried.

David DeCristoforo
03-12-2009, 3:41 PM
If you can fine some metal pallet strapping I have used that for smaller pieces and it works fine. Usually to be had for the picking up out behind the hardware store or lumber yard.

Doug Mason
03-12-2009, 4:04 PM
thx for the replies.

Richard--at my local Borg I did find some 1/8 by 1 inch metal in the plumbing section--but it was too thick to bend. I'll try another local hardware store that carries decent stuff.

George--I'll use wax paper to pretect the wood from the strap (or else clean it up with a spokeshave).

David-I think you hit it spot on (as they say--oftentimes the most obvious is the most difficult to see)--I'll pick up some of the pallet straps--and will attach stops to them. I see no reason why this wouldn't work.

Trace Beard
03-12-2009, 4:28 PM
Kiln dried wood isn't the best choice for steam bending. Once it's kiln dried the lignin is set, no amount of steam will loosen it. KD wood also has a lot of spring back.

When you take the wood out of the steamer, place it in you strap backwards and bend it then remove it and flip it around, this really loosens the lignin.

Try air dried white oak, you will be able to bend it around your arm if you want.