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View Full Version : Creeker visit Ed Davidson aka YO YO SPIN!

Dewey Torres
03-11-2009, 9:18 PM
What a treat to have a nationally known turner right up the road from me!
I called him up and he invited me to his shop where I was able to see all of the creativity you see on his web site and actually got to hold some of his work. Very nice.
He turned a pen and taught me how to do one as well in less than 15 minutes and with spirals to boot.
He showed me some of his bottle stoppers, yo yos, turnings, and various projects. It was amazing to see that he thinks much like I do. I definitely have to go to the AAW meeting next month. I even have two chapters right here in the area. I have an invite to the Pueblo AAW chapter as well.

Creeker visits GGGOOOOOOOODDD!

He also sent me away with a few freebies!

David Christopher
03-11-2009, 9:31 PM
Dewey, thats a great looking pen.. and im sure the visit will be memorable...its allways nice to see someone that knows what their doing

Bernie Weishapl
03-11-2009, 9:36 PM
Great looking pen Dewey and sounds like a great time was had. I haven't met Ed but have talked with him several times and have turned some bottle stopper blanks with a rose inside. He also showed me how to do acrylic pens and bottle stoppers by wet sanding them. Wet/dry sandpaper and water. Then buff. Comes out like a mirror. You are lucky Dewey. Nice gentleman.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-11-2009, 9:37 PM
Congrats Dewey! Ed has some pretty neat products! Did you see his military emblem bottlestoppers? I have turned several Navy and yes...I hate to admit this....several Marine Corps bottlestoppers that were Ed's products.

Steve Schlumpf
03-11-2009, 9:45 PM
Dewey - congrats on the visit! Always a good thing when you can get together with fellow turners! Make the most of it!

Don Carter
03-11-2009, 10:07 PM
How cool is that! I have been to his website many, many times to see his work. I am very envious.;)
Congrats on the pen. I bet there will be many more to come.

All the best.


alex carey
03-11-2009, 10:59 PM
can someone link his website, I couldn't find it.

Dewey Torres
03-11-2009, 11:03 PM
It's just yoyospin dot com.

Check out the gallery but when you click on one of the gallery categories wait for the entire page to load and then cursor over the low left corner edge of the upper most left thumbnail. This brings up what is known as "the wall"

Dewey Torres
03-11-2009, 11:12 PM
Dewey, thats a great looking pen.. and im sure the visit will be memorable...its allways nice to see someone that knows what their doing

He turned the pen in the pic while he taught me but ya he is super fast.

Great looking pen Dewey and sounds like a great time was had. I haven't met Ed but have talked with him several times and have turned some bottle stopper blanks with a rose inside. He also showed me how to do acrylic pens and bottle stoppers by wet sanding them. Wet/dry sandpaper and water. Then buff. Comes out like a mirror. You are lucky Dewey. Nice gentleman.

I am indeed lucky and yes he knows his way around the shop for sure!

Congrats Dewey! Ed has some pretty neat products! Did you see his military emblem bottlestoppers? I have turned several Navy and yes...I hate to admit this....several Marine Corps bottlestoppers that were Ed's products.

I saw all of his products including some that have not even hit the market yet but man are they cool. The man is always tinkering with something new.... reminds me of someone.

Dewey - congrats on the visit! Always a good thing when you can get together with fellow turners! Make the most of it!

I did Steve. His last words were... Let's keep in touch!

David Walser
03-11-2009, 11:18 PM

I'm jealous. That must have been a great experience.

For those of you who have not been to Ed's website, you are missing a real treat. Spend some time on his tutorial page. Here's a link: http://yoyospin.com/tutorials/ He has lot's of videos and other tutorials on turning a variety of small items, like pens and bottle stoppers.

Dewey Torres
03-11-2009, 11:21 PM

I'm jealous. That must have been a great experience.

For those of you who have not been to Ed's website, you are missing a real treat. Spend some time on his tutorial page. Here's a link: http://yoyospin.com/tutorials/ He has lot's of videos and other tutorials on turning a variety of small items, like pens and bottle stoppers.

David....try "the wall" in his gallery posted above and tell me what you think. It is a secret he showed me that you would not notice.

Gary Max
03-12-2009, 5:08 AM
Ed has to be one of the most helpful folks I have meet online. He just helped me out with a software question I had.
Hope to shake his hand someday myself.

Burt Alcantara
03-12-2009, 10:25 AM
I'm glad you put a real name to YoYo Spin. My twisted mind always associated that name with YoYo Ma. Weird, no?


Gary Herrmann
03-12-2009, 11:13 AM
Dewey, did you turn the spiral pen with the beal (?) pen wizard jig/thingy?

Dewey Torres
03-12-2009, 11:33 AM
Dewey, did you turn the spiral pen with the beal (?) pen wizard jig/thingy?

He did the turning while he taught me and yes he did it with the pin wizard.:cool:

Bob Noles
03-12-2009, 2:44 PM
Ed has been one of my most admired heros for over 2 years. The man would bleed talent if you cut him with a knife.

David Walser
03-12-2009, 3:25 PM
David....try "the wall" in his gallery posted above and tell me what you think. It is a secret he showed me that you would not notice.Dewey,

I tried but could not get "The Wall" to load. Perhaps it doesn't work with my browser (Firefox).

Steve Schlumpf
03-12-2009, 3:40 PM
David, I use Firefox also and have no problem seeing the wall. You do need 'cooliris' for things to work and you can download that through Firefox add ons. Look for cooliris 1.9.1

Hope that helps.

David Walser
03-12-2009, 3:48 PM
David, I use Firefox also and have no problem seeing the wall. You do need 'cooliris' for things to work and you can download that through Firefox add ons. Look for cooliris 1.9.1

Hope that helps.
Thanks, Steve. With that Add-on added, I can see the wall. Cool.

Ed Davidson
03-12-2009, 3:57 PM
This is really good of Dewey and the rest of you to chime in here...thanks.

To run the "photo wall", you'll need to install a little application called Cooliris. Click on this link to read about it and to download a free copy: http://www.cooliris.com/product/

Here's a screen-shot of what the "photo wall" looks like: http://tinyurl.com/but2gq

David Walser
03-12-2009, 8:25 PM

If you'll do a forum search, you'll see several of us think highly of the information you provide via your website. Thanks for all you do for the turning community.

Brian Effinger
03-12-2009, 10:06 PM
Wow, what a gloat, Dewey! Nice looking freebie's too. I've never seen those twisted blanks before. Are they on Ed's website? I'd love to get my hands on one of them for a pen.

Ed Davidson
03-12-2009, 10:20 PM

The outfit that makes that twisted wood is called Fluted Beams. Here's a link to their site: http://www.flutedbeams.com

And, this link will take you to a video from the 2007 AAW symposium trade show where Fluted Beams is strutting their stuff, bending a 1" x 1" x 5' oak stick into a pretzel...at the 6:06 minute mark: http://www.woodturner.org/sym/sym2007/video/aaw1.wmv

Billy Tallant
03-12-2009, 11:11 PM

Sounds like you had a great visit. Thanks for taking time to post information about his website on here. I'm going to have to spend some time reading through his tutorials & such.

Dewey Torres
03-13-2009, 12:22 AM

Sounds like you had a great visit. Thanks for taking time to post information about his website on here. I'm going to have to spend some time reading through his tutorials & such.

Prepare to get lost...the man has quite a free collection of how to videos and a ton of products. He always tells how it did it, where he bought it etc... He is really a great teacher and he attends and films all of the video for the AAW symposiums. The next on is in June... we should all plan to meet up!

Paul Douglass
03-13-2009, 9:19 AM
Yes, sir. I bought Ed's. yoyo DVD a month or so ago, made one for practice and goi\ing to Portland,Ore. soon the get some good wood to make more. I think I have every free video he has on the internet loaded in a library on my puter. He is a great teacher.

Jeff Nicol
03-13-2009, 9:25 AM
Dewey, You lucky dog! I like the pen and the twisty wood you got as a parting gift! Show us the finished treasures when you are done with them.
