View Full Version : Scissors And Tormek...

Derek Arita
03-11-2009, 1:58 PM
As much as I tried, I could not get a good operating pair of scissors using the Tormek. It's not that I didn't get good edges on the blades. It's that when they are used, they just don't work right. What's the secret? What am I doing wrong?

Mike Spanbauer
03-11-2009, 2:15 PM
Only certain scissors work well (those that either can be disassembled or opened beyond 90*). I've resharpened my kitchen shears and several household pairs many times with great success.

It's hard to say "what you're doing wrong" without understanding more about how you're going about sharpening in the first place.


Brent Smith
03-11-2009, 2:50 PM
Hi Derek,

One thing I've come to realize with scissors on my Tormek is don't try to over do it. Just grind and pull the blades over a piece of wood to deburr. Honing just seems to make them worse.

George Konis
03-11-2009, 3:32 PM
check out this pages

