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Gail LaPorte
03-11-2009, 12:58 PM
I used it on Sunday and now when I try to send a job to it it wont go to the laser. I get a error message saying there was a error while sending it.
Thank you for any info you can give.

Dave Johnson29
03-11-2009, 1:14 PM
I get a error message saying there was a error while sending it.
Thank you for any info you can give.

Hi Gail,

Can you give us more specific wording on the error. There are more than 200 Printer error messages embedded within Windows to cover more than 200 possible errors associated with printing.

My first guess will be the cable.
Shut down both the computer and the laser.
Check the cable is seated correctly at both ends.
Reboot both.

Doug Griffith
03-11-2009, 1:36 PM
Also, USB or Ethernet?

Michael Doyle
03-11-2009, 2:36 PM
I have a 45 watt Helix, and this happens to me occasionally. Rebooting my computer has been my quick fix.

Jim Watkins
03-11-2009, 2:46 PM
Doug asks what could be the $64,000 question.

Many of us have had issues with the USB set up and when reseting to Ethernet, it solved the problem. You describe the exact problem I had. Getting away from USB solved the problem.

Joe Pelonio
03-11-2009, 3:07 PM
I get a message with my Legend when I send really big files, but in fact, it does get to the laser eventually. If I hit the preview key it shows part, but the rest always catches up. Mines using the ethernet connection.

Gail LaPorte
03-11-2009, 3:21 PM
it says -There was an error found when printing the doc."pic" to IP then it gives the address numbers.Do you want to retry or cancel? I have never gotten this one before.

Dave Johnson29
03-12-2009, 10:30 AM
it says -There was an error found when printing the doc."pic" to IP then it gives the address numbers.Do you want to retry or cancel? I have never gotten this one before.

Hi Gail,

Did you shut down, check the cable and restart?

What are the address numbers? Without the full error imnformation it is impossible to guess accurately.

When you say "pic" do you mean it gave the full name of the picture? Or, was "pic" just it?

With the "IP" in the message it sounds like you are using a network connection.

If so do you have a Firewall?

Has it been recently installed or updated?

Have you added any other equipment to your set up?

If it is the Firewall then it sounds like it is refusing permission and you will need to add in a Trusted IP range and I am not sure what that IP address will be but you could try setting an IP-range.


The first 3 sets of numbers are common for a Network router IP address.

That last digit (5) in line to will have to be larger than the total number of computers on your network.

Kenneth Hertzog
03-12-2009, 10:48 AM
remember if switching from USB to ethernet cable the ethernet cable has to have reverse wiring.

Stephen Beckham
03-12-2009, 12:01 PM

Did this start after those last batch of Windows updates came out? I've had a bunch of silly things happening this week that all started after the updates that recently came out... I'm about to turn them off again...


John Noell
03-12-2009, 2:10 PM
remember if switching from USB to ethernet cable the ethernet cable has to have reverse wiring.
Yep, if direct computer to laser you need a "cross-over" cable.


Did this start after those last batch of Windows updates came out? I've had a bunch of silly things happening this week that all started after the updates that recently came out... I'm about to turn them off again...
Me too!! At one point the updates killed my LAN connection ("cable disconnected"). I had to go to a restore point to get it back. (I knew it was not for real as I can dual boot and my Vista install saw no problem with the very same connection - only the "patched" XP install saw a disconnection.)

Gail LaPorte
03-12-2009, 7:42 PM
Lets see if I can explain this better.
I went Ethernet cable first it was just from the computer to the laser.Then I wanted to hard wire all of my computers together to make them more secure.I went threw a hub and a router .And every thing was going fine until Monday now I cant send anything to my laser .I did all of this in January.Today I unhooked it from the router and went straight to the laser again and still wont work. I tried to reinstall it today and that did not help.I have someone coming tomorrow to look at the computer I hope he can fix it I have jobs due soon.
Thank you all so very much I have learned so much from this site and I learn more everyday.

Dave Johnson29
03-13-2009, 10:11 AM
Today I unhooked it from the router and went straight to the laser again and still wont work.

Hi Gail,

You get 9 out of 10 for tenacity. :) It will be easier for the guy to diagnose while in front of the computer and laser. Good luck with that and it still sounds like a Firewall issue to me.

As has been said, a direct connection without going through a Switch or Router would need a crossover cable. That means that two wires in the cable have their positions swapped at one end. Typically that cable would only work for a direct connection, however most modern good quality Routers should cope with a crossover cable and still route correctly. The same cannot be said of a direct connection with a non-crossover cable.

All cables are not created equally. :)

Stephen Beckham
03-13-2009, 10:33 AM

How much to you know about the PING command and IP addresses? Is it possible your IP's got swapped and now the driver cannot see the laser? Do you know the IP of the laser - open a command window and type in ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (address) and see if windows can see it. That will tell you if the connection to the router and the laser are working.

If not - try pinging your router. IF so - then look at your laser printer driver and make sure it's going to the right port or IP address.

Another thing to check for would be to bypass your firewall for everything on your local network.

Joe Pelonio
03-13-2009, 11:29 AM

Did this start after those last batch of Windows updates came out? I've had a bunch of silly things happening this week that all started after the updates that recently came out... I'm about to turn them off again...

I noticed after those updates that my system was a lot slower, especially starting programs, but had no effect on the laser.

Dave Johnson29
03-13-2009, 11:32 AM
would be to bypass your firewall for everything on your local network.

Hi Stephen,

I would suggest that a Trusted range of IP addresses would be preferable to bypass.

Gail LaPorte
03-13-2009, 5:31 PM
First I would like to thank you all so very much.
I was hooked up with a crossover.The computer guy ended up going in and resetting the IP address on every thing and he also added a parallel port so if it happens again I wont be down.My head hurts from uninstalling and reinstalling all my junk for days.I am back up and running and now I can run it from windows 2000 and Xp.
Thanks so very much

Bill Cunningham
03-15-2009, 11:40 AM
Yep, if direct computer to laser you need a "cross-over" cable.

Me too!! At one point the updates killed my LAN connection ("cable disconnected"). I had to go to a restore point to get it back. (I knew it was not for real as I can dual boot and my Vista install saw no problem with the very same connection - only the "patched" XP install saw a disconnection.) Well THAT maybe explains why my usb connection to my network adaptor has been dropping out.. Twice last week I have had to unplug the adaptor, then plug it back in again to make it recognized and active again.. I wonder what Microscoff has screwed up this time ?:mad: