View Full Version : Glue for lacquer & plywood

Dennis Thornton
03-09-2009, 9:49 PM
I have some face frames that were covered front and back with lacquer (long story). I need to attach them to some plywood boxes. I'd like to avoid sanding off the lacquer if I could so ... Is there a glue that will create a strong joint between the lacquered FF and the plywood? I plan on using biscuits or domino's along with the glue.


Chris Padilla
03-10-2009, 11:56 AM
I think epoxy might work but since you are cutting into the FF, I think you might be okay but the only place the glue will hold is with the freshly cut wood.

Dennis Thornton
03-10-2009, 2:43 PM
Thanks. I did find some glues that claim they will work. Problem is they're not really available here in the states and the manufacturers are focused on distributors (of which I couldn't find any).

I thought about trying some epoxy but with the additional mess and not being certain it would work reliably I was hesitant.

Earlier today I realized I'll have to sand them down. :(

Steve Clardy
03-10-2009, 3:08 PM
Yep. Best to sand or scrap it off

Peter Quinn
03-10-2009, 6:52 PM
Regardless of adhesive you will not be bonding wood to wood, you will be bonding finish to plywood, so you are then counting on the finish to face frame wood bond to provide strength and that is in my mind a weak connection. I usually attach pre-finished face frames with pocket hole screws, I suspect the biscuits or dominos will be sufficient, though applying clamping pressure without damaging the finish may prove challenging. Use caution, possibly cork lined cauls. I'd skip the exotic adhesives unless this cabinet must survive a direct missile hit.