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View Full Version : do be afraid! i am really nice

larry merlau
07-17-2004, 2:40 PM
well my daughter took a chance to see if the camera could handle taking a picture of this creature :) now that it did and you all can see what a northern rebel looks like :eek: and john milainas can see that michigan has a (Paul Bunion) too! :D well nuff on that fer now got to get back the shop.

Mark Singer
07-17-2004, 2:42 PM
:D The Creek is not real receptive of beards....

larry merlau
07-17-2004, 2:48 PM
well i am sorry but its been part of me for sum time and it aint commun off fer no one,and i can see that i shold of wrote (don't) shoulda reviewed my fingers:)

Jim Becker
07-17-2004, 3:08 PM
Here you are a little "brighter" and "sharper", at least the best I could do without having the original photo.

John Miliunas
07-17-2004, 4:23 PM
Afraid?! Larry, have you taken a *close* look at some of the mugs, which appear on this forum, mine inclusive?! :eek: Gonna' take a LOT more than that to scare us off! :) Now, get back to work! (Me too!) :cool:

Jack Hogoboom
07-17-2004, 4:32 PM
How do you keep that beard out of your equipment? I'd imagine you've picked sawdust out of there more than once!!!



larry merlau
07-17-2004, 4:35 PM
thanks for the help jim, but i will take the original and sharpen it up and reapply it. i have the capability to do so, photoshop[use it daily] but not here at home. thanks for assistance and i noticed it was blurry and i havnt had any thing to cloud my vision either and as for the rest of the mug shots john i think they are much better lookin. like they say you can take a country boy to the city but he still aint no rose. and the bark is still there as well, taint nuff sand paper to smooth out this many ruff spots :)

larry merlau
07-17-2004, 4:37 PM
that where mrs norm comes in to the picture, and once i was a beatiful piece of furniture, till she had to pry me off with a pry bar. then i was just me agin.

Jerry Olexa
07-17-2004, 11:23 PM
:) Larry, Did you ever consider growing a beard?? Excuse my humor, WELCOME!! Jerry

larry merlau
07-19-2004, 7:35 AM
:) Larry, Did you ever consider growing a beard?? Excuse my humor, WELCOME!! Jerry
wel jerry come to think about it i had when i was younger :) and now its a neccessity see i use the extra to keep the head warm casue the insulation is going fast and i ned to kep the heat in in our cool winters. figured i would let those of you see what you were talking with. :eek: and also i knew it was a required thing to belong to this elite group of wise elders. and john said i had to. :)

Mark J Bachler
07-19-2004, 8:31 AM
Ever play guitar for ZZ Top? Welcome aboard.

larry merlau
07-19-2004, 8:58 AM
Ever play guitar for ZZ Top? Welcome aboard.
no i havnt but have been compared to them before in loks though :) and maybe even the attitude :rolleyes: am just alitttel rednecked but hey no one is perfect.unless you are southern breed :D

James Carmichael
07-19-2004, 12:08 PM
Awesome set of whiskers, Larry.

I take it, though, that you are not a turner.

David Klink
07-20-2004, 2:04 AM
Yep, that's some pretty good growth, Larry. I let mine grow about half that long a couple of years ago, but my wife hated it.

I wish I could find this one old picture of my one brother. He had his a little longer and fuller than that 30+ years ago. He made Grizzly Adams look baldfaced with that mop on his chin.:eek: ;)

larry merlau
07-20-2004, 7:20 AM
[QUOTE=David Klink]Yep, that's some pretty good growth, Larry. I let mine grow about half that long a couple of years ago, but my wife hated it.

i took and shaved mine off once and the kids didnt recognize me. i went to a card party and was asked who i was. had been around there for a couple years and the family didnt recognioze me till i spoke :) so its been off only when burned off from the old foundry days about every 6 months. now its here to stay

Bart Leetch
07-20-2004, 9:26 AM
Hmm.... I don't know them beards just kinda sneak up on ya & before you know it their permanent. :D

larry merlau
07-20-2004, 10:39 AM
Hmm.... I don't know them beards just kinda sneak up on ya & before you know it their permanent. :D

yup they sure do and when the snow flies they are invaluble :)

Steve Clardy
07-20-2004, 10:41 AM
Last time I shaved off my beard, [sure had a raw hurting face], I got to work and no one reconized me for ten minutes. :confused:
Then I got home after work and our dog tried to bite me.:eek:

larry merlau
07-20-2004, 10:58 AM
Last time I shaved off my beard, [sure had a raw hurting face], I got to work and no one reconized me for ten minutes. :confused:
Then I got home after work and our dog tried to bite me.:eek:

hey steve how far are you from sedalia i have some kin nearby his name is
bill fairchild

Steve Clardy
07-20-2004, 2:31 PM
hey steve how far are you from sedalia i have some kin nearby his name is
bill fairchild
Hi Larry
Sedalia, casual drive is 55 minutes.;)
Fast drive at 75+ and trying to spot the coppers,:eek: 40 minutes. :D
Fairchild does ring a bell,:rolleyes: but not sure where in my brain at the moment.:confused:
Got your PM ok.
I'll give it a little thought and see if the brain picks it up. What work does He do?