View Full Version : Bandsaw won't fit through door!

Chris Allen
03-09-2009, 7:58 AM
I ordered a G0514x2, and it should be here tomorrow. I just realized I should check the dimensions. Well, it's 32" diameter. The door to my garage is 30" wide. So........

I'm assuming some of this size is due to the motor sticking out of the back. Is it difficult to remove the motor off this machine? Or is there a better way to get it down to 30" or less. Gotta figure out a way to make it fit!!!!

Matt Benton
03-09-2009, 8:07 AM
I would think the table is taking up a majority of that. You might try taking that off...

Ken Fitzgerald
03-09-2009, 8:10 AM
I'd say remove the motor and you ought to be good to go.

alex grams
03-09-2009, 8:16 AM
the table will come not attached, so if that is the issue, you should be good to go, if not, the motor will be the culprit, remove and move it.

Are you also sure that this isn't the packaging dimensions?

Bob Lloyd
03-09-2009, 8:31 AM
On the web site, the shipping dimensions are given as:
Length/Width/Height...... 21 x 33 x 85 in. It looks as it will fit as delivered, is heavy though!!

Brian Kent
03-09-2009, 9:00 AM
Otherwise you could have assembled it outside, hold it sideways, and cut a wider door.;)

Myk Rian
03-09-2009, 9:42 AM
A garage you say? Umm, don't they usually have a big door in front? :)

Paul Johnstone
03-09-2009, 10:00 AM
I ordered a G0514x2, and it should be here tomorrow. I just realized I should check the dimensions. Well, it's 32" diameter. The door to my garage is 30" wide. So........

I'm assuming some of this size is due to the motor sticking out of the back. Is it difficult to remove the motor off this machine? Or is there a better way to get it down to 30" or less. Gotta figure out a way to make it fit!!!!

Worst case scenerio, you can do the following..

I had a similiar problem.. I had a shaper that was 32" wide, door to basement steps was a bit short of that. I removed the door assembly from the wall studs , and that gained me about 2". It was a tight fit, but doable. But obviously this is a last resort, as it's tough to re-install the door.

Chris Allen
03-09-2009, 10:01 AM
Thanks for the replies.

Where did you find those shipping dimensions? I'm not seeing that on their website.

The garage is finished on the inside. I does have a "big door", but there is a studded, insulated, and sheetrocked wall covering the inside of the door ;) I knew someone would bring that up :D

Myk Rian
03-09-2009, 10:19 AM
The garage is finished on the inside. I does have a "big door", but there is a studded, insulated, and sheetrocked wall covering the inside of the door ;) I knew someone would bring that up :D
We do try to help, don't we?

David DeCristoforo
03-09-2009, 10:34 AM
"The garage is finished on the inside. I does have a "big door", but there is a studded, insulated, and sheetrocked wall covering the inside"

Well that's your problem!:rolleyes: Fortunately it's easy to fix... All you need is one of these:

Bob Lloyd
03-09-2009, 10:42 AM
If you go to the website and find the item, there is a line of buttons in the center of the page. Hit the yellow "Specification Sheet- PDF". the product dimensions and shipping dimensions are right at the top.

William M Johnson
03-09-2009, 10:42 AM
Cry Baby. :) I took a Bridgeport Series II and a 14" x 48" metal lathe through my house down into the basement. I have no idea how I will ever get them out however.:(

Chris Allen
03-09-2009, 10:49 AM
Doh, guess I should of looked a little closer. Thanks! Looks like there should be no problem.

John Bailey
03-09-2009, 10:50 AM
I think you'll find that the 21" dimension is the what we would normally call the "depth." That's as you look at it from the side where you stand when feeding wood into the saw. If that's the case, you should have no trouble getting it through your door. At any rate, one of the shipping dimensions is 21" and I suspect that's because the table is taken off for shipment. If not, it should be. So, either way, it should fit in your door without the table.


Bob Luciano
03-09-2009, 10:54 AM
I guess that door size limits what you can build too. Get your sawzall and make it at least a 3'0 door no more worries or banging up your knuckles carrying stuff in and out.

Chris Allen
03-09-2009, 10:55 AM
Yes, depth is what I meant....of course! :D It's monday, I'm allowed 15-20 mistakes before noon, haha.

Ken Higginbotham
03-09-2009, 10:58 AM
If you run into a dead end on this I can store it for you for a while ;)

Brian Kincaid
03-09-2009, 11:16 AM
I just brought in my G0566 (stealth gloat). Take the table off! And the wheels! I tried to take off the motor too, but I could not get the pully off the motor spindle easily.

They are easy to put back on. If you bang up your new heavy saw trying to get it in the door you will kick yourself later for not taking it apart. You might lose the factory adjustment, but band saws are made to be adjusted and you will have to learn (or remember) how anyway to get it going.


Chip Lindley
03-09-2009, 11:52 AM
Whew! Glad thats settled!....

Lee Schierer
03-09-2009, 12:17 PM
You can store it at my house until you get the dood enlarged....

Joe Dowdy
03-09-2009, 2:34 PM
the table and fence are not on the machine when delivered, so you may be ok but it is easier to pop the door casing off than the motor.......Hope this helps

Dave Verstraete
03-09-2009, 4:45 PM
Question...Is it still a "garage" if the door has been walled off?

Chris Allen
03-09-2009, 7:29 PM
Question...Is it still a "garage" if the door has been walled off?
Well, from the outside it still looks like a garage. The overhead door is still existing and intact; it gives the impression of a normal garage(to satisfy the HOA).

On the inside, you would be hard pressed to tell that it's a garage.

So it's your call. Garage, shop, man-cave, money sucking black-hole....call it whatever. ;)

Brad Bartley
03-09-2009, 7:52 PM
Congrats on your new bandsaw!!! I have the same one down in my basement still on the pallet, so I ran downstairs, took some measurements and marked up the attached photo. You shouldn't have any problems getting it through the door.

Chris Allen
03-10-2009, 7:12 AM
That's why I love this forum! That's about the most helpful info I could get. Thanks a million!

Dave Verstraete
03-10-2009, 3:13 PM
man-cave, money sucking black-hole....call it whatever. ;)

Sounds like it is similar to my "basement"

Heather Thompson
03-10-2009, 4:06 PM
Let's see, I have a 2 1/2 car shop (garage), no cars, unless I am working on one of them, handtool shop downstairs. Last count I would say about 40,000.00, looks like a woman cave to me and my hubby agrees, no nasty comments to close this thread please!


Myk Rian
03-10-2009, 5:08 PM
looks like a woman cave to me and my hubby agrees, no nasty comments to close this thread please!

I'll bet you have lacy curtains on the windows. :)

David DeCristoforo
03-10-2009, 5:41 PM
"Gotta figure out a way to make it fit..."

It occurs to me that all you need is a good running start....

Chip Lindley
03-10-2009, 6:15 PM
David, here in Missouri, it's said: "IF the mule won't go through the barn door, you can either cut the mule's ears off, OR make the barn door bigger!"

Perhaps *chainsaw* preceeds *bandsaw*! OR *Some disassembly may be required*

Bill Wyko
03-10-2009, 6:30 PM
Just push your bigger bandsaw through my door and I'll push my smaller one through your door and we'll be done:D Simple.;)

David Dalzell
03-10-2009, 10:35 PM
:) I had a G0514x delivered just today. No narrow door problems though. I don't remembver the packaged size, but I just measured the width. The widest part (before installation of table) is about 22 inches. This is at the base including about 2 inches of motor extending beyound the base. A thirty inch wide door should be no problem. The table and rail/guides are unmounted. One word of caution, the thing is tall and top heavy. In other words tippy! As packaged it was 2 inches too tall for my garage door. I put it on an appliance dolly, strapped it in, tilted it over enough to clear the door, and pulled it into the garage.