View Full Version : Time change = shop safety day

Mitchell Andrus
03-08-2009, 10:09 AM
Twice a year... spend a few minutes checking for loose nuts and bolts, worn belts, frayed wire and loose connections, etc.

Also check blade alignment and swap out worn blades and bits.

Running around the shop with a shop-vac wouldn't hurt either. Don't forget the inside of electric panels and wash down all of the light bulbs too.

Jim Becker
03-08-2009, 10:47 AM
Excellent advice, Mitchell! Along with changing the batteries in the smoke detectors, this is indeed an great time to check all those little things in the shop.

Brian Effinger
03-08-2009, 11:28 AM
I agree with Jim, that is great advice. I think I'll go down to the shop and do that today. :)


Steve Rozmiarek
03-08-2009, 11:48 AM
It's also a good day to ponder the insanity of daylight savings time. Why do we do this???? :mad: Arizona has it right IMHO.

Good idea on the safety check days.

Myk Rian
03-08-2009, 12:17 PM
It's also a good day to ponder the insanity of daylight savings time. Why do we do this????
I believe they claim it saves less than 1% of energy usage. It is pretty stupid.

Dustin Lane
03-08-2009, 5:08 PM
I believe they claim it saves less than 1% of energy usage. It is pretty stupid.

Other claims say there is a net loss of energy saved. Though people leave their light off longer saving energy this means they usually leave their AC on longer using more energy than they saved.

The DOT claims that it causes fewer traffic accidents though...

David DeCristoforo
03-08-2009, 5:15 PM
I think this is a great idea. Using the time changes as a "marker" for all of the things you never do unless you get a "round tuit" (and we all know how hard those are to find right?) is brilliant. I for one very much dislike DST. It just messes with my sense of time and I really don't think is saves that much energy. In fact, I think it uses more because you are not tired when you would "normally" go to bed so you keep all the lights on later and the TV and the computer and the AC too and.... well not to launch into a rant here, this is a great way to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!