View Full Version : First Bowl

Bernie Vail
03-07-2009, 8:12 PM
Here is my first bowl. I turned it from a piece of walnut given to me by a friend. As I was turning off the tenon I was patting myself on the back so hard I forgot to pay attention to what I was doing and got a horrible catch. Off the lathe it came with the results you see. :mad: I am trying to decide whether to try to turn down the rim to get rid of the hole, or just keep it as a reminder to pay attention. Finish is just tung oil btw.


P.S. How do I put a picture of myself up?

alex carey
03-07-2009, 8:14 PM
Nice bowl, leave it as a reminder.

Richard Madison
03-07-2009, 8:15 PM
That is a dandy first bowl. Leave exactly as is, date, sign, and save it forever so you can see where you started after you become expert.

Don Carter
03-07-2009, 8:17 PM
Leave as is...keep the bowl and compare to your later ones. It will always bring a smile to your face. Nice first bowl.

All the best.


Ken Fitzgerald
03-07-2009, 8:19 PM
Bernie....excellent first bowl! I have the fraternal twin to it and it was my first also! Keep at it! ...and most of all.....enjoy!

Steve Schlumpf
03-07-2009, 8:26 PM
Great looking first bowl Bernie! Really nice looking wood! Looking forward to seeing bowl #2 - especially seeing as how you will be paying attention to what you are doing! Hey - we've all be there, done that!

As far as a photo of yourself - I am guessing you mean an avatar? If so, go to your User CP (upper left in the blue menu bar) and click on Settings & Options - Edit Avatar. It will inform you as to the max size you are allowed for the photo. If you have any problems - send a PM to any of the mods - we'll help you figure it out!

Nice bowl!

David Christopher
03-07-2009, 10:27 PM
Bernie, thats a nice looking bowl...I would leave it as is

BTW that walnut is different from any Ive seen

Bernie Weishapl
03-07-2009, 11:47 PM
That is a good looking bowl. You could glue the piece back if found, turn down the rim or what I would do is leave it, sign and date it. Keep it so a year or so down the road you can compare.