View Full Version : More Trashpile Mahogany

Steve H Graham
03-07-2009, 2:58 PM
Saw more mahogany in someone's trash pile the other day, so naturally, I helped myself. I got a small log big enough to get a few 1 1/4" boards from.

I hope I can find uses for this stuff. I know the customary thing with boxes is to resaw and bookmatch, with corner grain matching, and if I do that, I'll have some pretty short boxes. On the other hand, maybe I could use this stuff for lids, since it's interesting to look at.

People cautioned me to seal the ends of my trash wood, and I did that on most of it, but the things I didn't seal don't show any inclination to split. I wonder if mahogany is resistant to this. It warps and twists just fine, but I see no splitting. Maybe the gummy quality of the wood holds it together. Does anyone know?