View Full Version : Tape chucking

Gordon Thompson
03-07-2009, 10:24 AM
Dang!! I had my reservations about this (could just imagine the tape letting loose, and my bowl go rolling across the floor...), but this worked great!! For anyone like me - no cole jaws, no vacuum chuck, etc..this is a wonderful way to do the bottom :)

Picked this idea from this link (page 2)

http://www.cumberlandwoodturners.com/tips/Methods%20and%20Jigs%20for%20Reverse%20Turning%20B owls.pdf

which someone had posted here....Thanks!!

Thomas Canfield
03-07-2009, 10:37 AM

Thanks for posting link. It showed a lot more than the tape chucking and a good representation of different methods of finishing bottoms.

Dave Ogren
03-07-2009, 11:50 AM

Thank you for posting all of the chucking methods. I really appreciate that. That helps me a lot. Good luck.


Ken Fitzgerald
03-07-2009, 12:37 PM

I use the donut chuck...and on hollow forms or NEs...I take as many pieces as necessary of 2" thick styrofoam insulation....using double-sided tape....carpet tape in my case...I tape them together and tape them to the base of the donut chuck. I turn them to a cone/ tapered cylinder. I place the NE over the tapered cylinder and screw on the retaining ring portion of the donut chuck and turn off the tenon using that. I find the donut chuck less likely to come apart during the process but....that's just my personal taste and opinion.

alex carey
03-07-2009, 2:03 PM
I've seen that document before and thats also where I learned the tape chuck. I had some reservations about it at first but after I did it I realized how good it really was. I actually thought it felt safer than my vacuum chuck.

Dick Sowa
03-07-2009, 2:38 PM
I've use a combination jamb chuck and tape fairly often, but shy away from blue painters tape. I prefer using plain old duct tape. It's a lot stronger, and requires less tape to hold the bowl.