View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's" - Birthday Edition

Karl Laustrup
03-06-2009, 7:38 AM
March 6, 2009


Another year older. Another year wiser??? I certainly hope so, although I do wonder sometimes. ;):D Happy Birthday to the others on the forum that share this day. :)

We will be heading to Marquette, IA in a short time to celebrate my B-Day. I rather enjoy a quiet B-Day doing what I would like to do and that includes playing some video poker. Weather is improving and in fact it's supposed to be near 60 today. The snow is going fast, however, it would be very unusual if we didn't get hammered at least once more before the season is over.

After today I hope to get out to the shop, clean and straighen things up and then get busy on my projects. We'll see how that goes. The race at "HOTLANTA" is Sunday so I'll be watching that.

What's happening around your corner of the universe? Hope it's a good weekend for ya'll and you get lots of stuff done.

Have a SAFE weekend.


Loren Blount
03-06-2009, 7:52 AM
Happy Birthday Karl, I wish you many more healthy years. This weekend I hope to get around to refinishing the inside of the cherry dresser I built last winter. I originally finished the inside with minwax wipe on poly, however I found out the hard way that you don't use a oil/varnish mix on the inside of a case piece. It make all you clothes smell like varnish! I don't mind, but the wife disagrees. This time I am going to try shellack over the top of the wipe on poly.

Have a good weekend SMC's

Ted Calver
03-06-2009, 8:11 AM
Happy birthday Karl!!! Weather is warming up here too. I hope to open up the garage and leaf blow out some of the old dust so I can start another crop. Maybe make a couple of boxes for the wife's knitting needles. Enjoy your day.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-06-2009, 8:35 AM
Happy Birthday Karl!

Due to the local economy...my local lumber yard isn't open on Saturdays anymore....so I hope to got get some plywood and MDF this morning and build a assembly table this weekend. Don't tell the turners...this is flatwork not round...

Bill White
03-06-2009, 9:05 AM
Happy b'day to ya.
70 + degrees here today. Maggie has me pressure washing the driveway. Ughhh! (Pressure washing-not Maggie)
Bill :D

Al Willits
03-06-2009, 9:05 AM
Happy Birthday ya old fart, have a great time will ya...:D

Unknown weekend for me, FIL is still in hospitial but seems to be getting better from the stroke, so I'll play it by ear.

Will try to get out to the shop/garage and get something done on the kitchen cart, I also have a idea for a 1000 CD holder so maybe try and make a plan for it.


Matt Meiser
03-06-2009, 9:05 AM
Depending on how I feel (bad cold and Nyquil/Dayquil make me loopy,) more work cleaning planer parts, making a final list of what I need to order, and, should things go really well, maybe some painting. I also need to do one more small woodworking project for my daughter's bathroom that I'll probably try to get started on.

Jim O'Dell
03-06-2009, 9:15 AM
Happy Birthday Karl!! Have a great day, spend some time with the loved ones, and have a great BD meal!
My Sat morning sleep in is getting cancelled this weekend as LOML and I will get up earllier than a normal weekend morning to go to the Celtic Festival at Fair Park in Dallas. Should be fun. We always take a dog or 2 since we have Irish. I think one of our Rescue volunteers is having a booth all weekend, so we will take Irish Setter Club of America and AKC responsible dog ownership literature for the booth. Then just try to have one of the rescue dogs for people to see.
May come home and crash that afternoon!! :D Sunday, we'll see. Have a great weekend all! Jim.

Rod Sheridan
03-06-2009, 9:41 AM
Happy Birthday Karl!

Due to the local economy...my local lumber yard isn't open on Saturdays anymore....so I hope to got get some plywood and MDF this morning and build a assembly table this weekend. Don't tell the turners...this flatwork not round...

Ken, maybe you could turn the legs ?

I was at my turning guild meeting last night and you're expected to bring something for show and tell. Well, I brought two table inserts for my shaper that I had made out of HDPE and turned on the lathe.

I guess it met the letter of the law, if not the intent!

Regards, Rod.

Tyler Howell
03-06-2009, 9:46 AM
Finishing up a quick trip to the Left Coast. Headed back to Mn from San Diego.
Back to Grand Marais on Mon. Play safe.

Jim Becker
03-06-2009, 6:04 PM
Yea, I had the 13th anniversary of my 39th birthday yesterday...celebrated with my older having her appendix removed last evening. Oooh...birthday dinner in a hospital cafeteria! LOL (Sliders and ice tea)

As to the weekend, normal equestrian things on Saturday for me, milling some more trim for a friend's home and, perhaps, some time on my buffet project if I'm feeling up to it.

Happy Birthday, Karl!!

Bruce Page
03-06-2009, 6:09 PM
Happy Birthday Jim & Karl!

Here's to many more! (beer bottles clinking)

Steve Clardy
03-06-2009, 8:08 PM
Well the plan is too get ahead on next years firewood supply..:rolleyes:

Karl Laustrup
03-06-2009, 8:32 PM
Thank you all for the wishes. Even you Al. It takes an old fart to know an old fart. ;):D

Jim, I totally spaced on your B-Day. I can guess you've had better ones, and hoping all turned out well with eldest.

Bruce, I really like the avatar your using. I still miss the "Intimidator".

A little update on the trip.

It was a fantastic day. I could only wish each of you have a B-Day as good. Spent about 6 hours trying our luck. I had a lot. :D It was one of my better days in front of a video poker machine, well several machines really. All told I am now just a wee bit shy of 4k better off than I was when we left this morning. It's a good thing it's about a 2 hour drive one way.

Have a great weekend everyone. I know I will.


Bruce Page
03-06-2009, 9:01 PM
Bruce, I really like the avatar your using. I still miss the "Intimidator".


You're not alone on that.

Congrats on your winnings!

Fred Voorhees
03-06-2009, 9:43 PM
I have wanted to build a cabinet for underneath my side table on my Jet tablesaw since I purchased it last Summer and hadn't found the time to do so. I got snowed out from work Monday and fabbed up the carcass and added the face frame during the week and tonight (Fri) I began to fab up the drawer parts. Tomorrow will be a nice day in the shop putting them together and adding faces to them and getting them into their respective spots. Want to get this done since I have a gentleman in Scotland that is forwarding me a check so that I can begin to build a jewelry box for him.