View Full Version : Look what i found in a bucket of junk at a buddies house gloat

Loren Blount
03-05-2009, 10:51 PM
I was at a friends house and saw something sticking up out of a 5 gallon bucket of junk that caught my eye. I pulled it out and what did I find? A stanley #2. I told my friend it was a valuable plane. He told me " I'll never use it you can have it". The plane actually belonged to his late step grandfather who was not a woodworker, so why he had it remains a mystery. I think this qualifies as a GLOAT. The #2 has a proper home now in my C.E Jennings wall mount tool cabinet, which I think is much more fitting than in a 5 gallon bucket with bolts & sockets.


Jim Kountz
03-05-2009, 11:32 PM
Ok you really suck!! What a find, Im always hoping when I go yard sale hunting that I might find something like this but it hasnt happened yet. Maybe someday!!

CPeter James
03-05-2009, 11:33 PM
I got lucky too, and someone gave me one of those about a year ago. Worth a couple of hundred. I have seen and held an Stanley #1. That is worth about $1,000 or more.


Dewey Torres
03-05-2009, 11:59 PM
I am sorry to tell you this never happened as the pics to not confirm the story. Sorry:(

Gene E Miller
03-06-2009, 12:45 AM
No pics no no no it didn't happen. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Mark Norman
03-06-2009, 1:01 AM
Loren... find a camera...


Good score!
even without the pics...

Bill Wyko
03-06-2009, 1:29 AM
What #2, I don't see any #2 other than the "#2":D

Russ Sears
03-06-2009, 8:10 AM
I freely admit my ignorance of tool values. So...what's it worth? I'm headed to an auction tomorrow so I'll have to keep my eyes peeled.

Rob Russell
03-06-2009, 8:15 AM

You will need to reattach the pics. When I merged your 2 threads, I went to delete the post that didn't have pics - but the Vbulletin software removed your pics for some reason.

I also apparently can't remove the extra original post without the whole thread going away, so both of your original posts will likely have to stay in the thread.


Loren Blount
03-06-2009, 8:21 AM
Rob, thanks for trying to fix my double post. I guess I got so excited about my find I double posted


Rob Russell
03-06-2009, 8:29 AM
Loren - no problem, I'm also moving this to the Neanderthal Haven where the hand tool folks live.

Dominic Greco
03-06-2009, 8:36 AM
Nice find! That was really cool (and I mean Really Cool!!) of your friend to give it to you! I've seen these are go for anywhere from $125 to $200 (for really unique ones) on Ebay.

Make sure you do something nice for your friend! He may have a No1 somewhere around! :D

Justin Green
03-06-2009, 8:48 AM
A number 2 is all I need to have the basic set of Stanley bench planes 1-8. My address is....

Nice find!

Tom Stovell
03-06-2009, 9:37 AM
Congratulations on that 'find'.
(I've got to find some friends like that!)


David Keller NC
03-06-2009, 9:46 AM
Loren - a comment - It appears from your photograph that you have a pre-lateral Stanley #2. Pre-Lateral planes are not common, and adds to the value if that's correct.

You will want to carefully type the plane you have - if it's a type 1, it's worth a great deal of money. If it's a type 2-4, it's still worth quite a bit - considerably in excess of $200. You can find links to type studies in the Neanderthal forum FAQ thread (it's a "sticky" at the top).

If you want to preserve its collector's value, do nothing to it, other than maybe lightly cleaning it with a rag and some paste wax, but I wouldn't recommend doing even that.

James Carmichael
03-06-2009, 12:35 PM
I got lucky too, and someone gave me one of those about a year ago. Worth a couple of hundred. I have seen and held an Stanley #1. That is worth about $1,000 or more.


What's the old neander saying? Oh, yeah,


Jim Koepke
03-06-2009, 1:07 PM
Fantastic find. I would be pinching myself on that one.

My #2 cost me about $214 with shipping. It is great for working small areas with changing grain.
